Why It's Beneficial To Water Your Garden With Club Soda And How Often To Do So

We all know that plants need water to grow, but does it matter what kind of water they get? Some people hydrate their flower beds with tap water, rainwater, ice cubes, and even potato water. However, it seems that plants have preferences just like humans do. Club soda can be a great beverage choice for gardens. This carbonated drink is filled with potassium, phosphorous, hydrogen, calcium, zinc, and sodium – all elements that your vegetation needs to thrive. Plus, the influx of carbon dioxide from all the bubbles aids in the plant's photosynthesis.


The minerals in sparkling water promote growth, increase drought resistance, and make foliage greener. However, don't connect your garden hose to a seltzer water tank just yet. There are rules to irrigating with club soda, and improper measures can harm your green babies. Avoid reverse osmosis, root shock, and wilted flowers by hydrating your gardens with sparkling water the right way.

How and when to water plants with club soda

For your indoor and outdoor plants to benefit from club soda, it's best to dilute it. Mix one part regular water with one part club soda for your plant's perfect drink. You also don't want to use the club soda mixture each time, instead saving it for every third or fourth watering. Avoid tonic water and carbonated beverages with food coloring or sugar. Your hydrangeas don't need sparkling honey strawberry water. The sugar can harm the flora, triggering reverse osmosis, which dehydrates the plant.


Use your sugar-free and color-free club soda at room temperature. If the beverage is too cold, it can shock the plant's roots, especially seedlings, and stunt its growth. While club soda is an upgrade to plain water, the liquid doesn't have enough nutrients to replace fertilizer. However, it shouldn't be used with fertilizer. The two react when mixed, creating extra fizz and reducing the minerals' effectiveness.

Another thing to keep in mind is carbonated water is acidic and can lower the pH of your soil. If your plant thrives in an alkaline environment, it might prefer still over sparking. However, if your garden bed is too alkaline, club soda is a good hack for fixing the imbalance in the soil's acidity. So next time you get seltzer water, grab some for your backyard too.


