Are You Opening Your Windows The Right Way To Cool Down Your Home?

If your home is way too hot and stuffy, then you might be trying to cool it down by opening a window. However, you may not be doing so in a way that will truly make the space more chill and comfortable. For this to really work, you need to create a breeze that will keep the air moving in, around, and eventually out of the room.


In order to make this happen, it's all about making good use of cross ventilation. By making sure that the air does not become still and therefore stagnant and warm, it's not only getting rid of the unpleasant air but it's also giving fresh air a chance to move in and cool the area down (as well as anyone in it). This may occur in your home if you have a modern interior ventilation system set up to ensure air is properly circulated through vents or a wall louver.

Of course, not all residences have a snazzy airflow system set up. In that case, you can create cross-ventilation on your own. You simply need to make sure that you're opening your windows the right way to properly and effectively cool down your abode and not waste any of the fresh air that can make its way into your home.


How to create a breeze with cross-ventilation

When you open a window in the room you happen to be in to try to cool it down, you might end up bringing a nice rush of air into the space. If you simply stand by the window for the rest of the day, then you might be fine. However, if you want the entire area to cool down, then you need to open a second window. Preferably one that's on the opposite side of the room or at least on another wall if possible. If there's no other window in the room, then try opening a door. By doing so, you're creating cross-ventilation. This means that the cool, fresh air can make its way in while the warm, icky air has a way to be pushed out of the room.


To fully take advantage of this easy-breezy hack, you can add a fan to the room — either standing, tabletop, or ceiling fan — that can make the air move around faster and will speed up the cooling process. A fan can also help to boost the effect if there isn't a particularly strong airflow coming in through your windows. If it's a standing or tabletop fan, put it on a setting to rotate and it will help keep the air moving through the windows and the temperature around you nice and comfortable.

