Here's How To Deter Squirrels From Your Garden With A Pinwheel

Squirrels, those furry little acrobats of the animal kingdom, can be both fascinating and infuriating for gardeners. While their playful antics might bring a smile to your face, the havoc they wreak in your garden can be anything but amusing. From digging up newly planted bulbs to nibbling on your prized vegetables and fruits, squirrels have a knack for turning a carefully tended garden into their personal buffet.

If you've been gardening for a while, you've likely tried various methods to scare off these persistent critters. Perhaps you've considered chemical repellents, noisy scarecrows, or even resorting to trapping and relocating them. However, there's a low-cost, eco-friendly approach you might not have thought of yet: using pinwheels. But how can a simple pinwheel help you repel squirrels? Well, the spinning motion of pinwheels creates a visual disturbance that unnerves and discourages them from approaching. Also, the subtle noise they produce helps to further deter squirrels, as they associate unfamiliar sounds with potential threats. 

So, let's dive into this clever and humane method to scare away these furry pests. All you need is an assortment of plastic or metal pinwheels (the more durable the material, the better), wooden stakes or dowels, a screwdriver, and target spots in your garden.

Using pinwheels to scare away squirrels

Head to your local gardening store or shop online for pinwheels in colors and designs that suit your garden aesthetic. Then follow the manufacturer's instructions to assemble the pinwheels. This usually involves attaching the pinwheel to a small plastic stick. If the pinwheels come with stakes, even better! This will make installation a breeze. Next, place the pinwheels strategically in your garden. Squirrels are notorious for their keen sense of smell, so you want to position the pinwheels in areas where they often forage or dig. Look for spots near your vegetable patch, flower beds, or fruit trees.

Using wooden stakes or dowels creates a stable base for your pinwheels. If they come with their own stakes, simply push them into the ground. For pinwheels without stakes, attach the stick to a wooden dowel using a screwdriver. The key to pinwheel effectiveness is their motion. Squirrels are skittish and naturally wary of movement, as it signals potential danger. As the wind blows, the pinwheels will spin, creating a constantly changing landscape that'll make squirrels uneasy. They'll be less likely to venture into your garden when they see these spinning sentinels.

Lastly, remember to check your pinwheels periodically for any damage or obstruction and clean them if they get dirty. Change their positions periodically so squirrels don't get too comfortable with the setup and for the pinwheels to continue working to deter any unwanted guests.