Plant Lovers Want To Be Careful When Vacuuming - Here's Why

Whether you own a single houseplant or manage a diverse and expansive outdoor garden, being a plant parent can be a messy job. The many different breeds of greenery are prone to shedding as they undergo the circle of life, which involves growing leaves and fruit or flowers then shedding them later on to start the process all over again. When dirt and debris either from outdoor or indoor plants finds its way onto your floors, it may seem enticing to save time and effort by simply using a vacuum to clean the whole surface at once. But doing so may destroy your machine and permanently stain your floors at the same time. Avoid vacuuming up the soil, leaves, and flowers that come from your plants, since the pieces may clog your machine if absorbed whole. 

There are many types of spills around the house that shouldn't be left for a vacuum to clean for the sake of protecting the vacuum's inner mechanisms. Not all clogs result in irreversible damage, but continued mistreatment could lead to a burned-out motor and the need to buy a new vacuum cleaner. Instead, pick up the individual pieces with your hands or sweep them up using a broom and dustpan before you vacuum to achieve a more thorough clean. Here's a closer look at why vacuuming up flower parts and excessive amounts of soil is bad for this household appliance.

Plant debris can clog your vacuum

Soil and dead leaves and flowers from houseplants are just a few examples of the many substances that vacuum cleaners shouldn't pick up. Soil could clog the device's piping and cause deep stains to set when vacuuming a carpet. This rings particularly true if you're attempting to clean a large amount of soil. Plant parts can also cause clogging within different compartments of your vacuum, since the pieces may not disintegrate as they're picked up. This issue will only be exacerbated if the parts are wet, since vacuuming water spills and damp objects only increases the likelihood of permanently damaging this household appliance.

A telltale sign your vacuum is clogged occurs when you try to use the machine. It may spit back out any picked-up dirt if a clog persists within any of its compartments. When cleaning up a knocked-over or shedding houseplant, first pick up the largest pieces you can spot using your hands. If cleaning a spill on hard floors, sweep up as much of the mess as you can with a broom or handheld brush. As a last resort, ensure the mess is completely dry before using a vacuum to pick up any remains. When cleaning a spill on carpet, wait for it to dry, then pick up as much of the soil as possible using a spoon. Use a vacuum to absorb any stubborn dirt and spot treat any lasting stains.