You Might Be Surprised To See These Cool-Hued, Natural Pumpkins

Close your eyes for a moment and imagine you're walking through a pumpkin patch. What color, would you say, do you see the most? Of course, you probably answered orange, and you would be right. However, not all pumpkins come in shades of this autumnal tone. In fact, you might be surprised to know there are over 20 varieties of cool-hued natural shades of blue pumpkins. The appeal of these gourds is that they add a unique look when decorating your front porch for fall and many varieties taste great. Further, it may be shocking to discover that the inside of these pumpkins looks just like their more traditional counterparts and has a vibrant orange color.

You can find them from specialty growers seasonally and sometimes in grocery stores as well. You can also grow and harvest the pumpkins yourself, if you'd like. Find seeds at online retailers like the Blue Pumpkin Seed Company. Another place to purchase seeds is on Amazon, where you could find a pack of 20 Jarrahdale pumpkin seeds for about $9. Most natural shades of blue pumpkins are more of a bluish-gray or a bluish-green, but there are a wide variety of different hues to choose from. 

Common varieties of blue pumpkins

There are multiple varieties that are commonly grown in the United States. The first is the Queensland Blue, which originated in Australia and gets to be about 6 to 10 pounds. In fact, Australia is one of the biggest blue pumpkin sources. If you plant these seeds in early summer, they'll be ready just in time for fall. Another common variety grown in America is the Jarrahdale, which is also originally from Australia. Its skin is blue-gray and it grows to be between 6 and 18 pounds. Or how about Blue Doll pumpkins, a more modern hybrid that can grow to between 15 and 20 pounds and that has sweet-tasting flesh, making it the ideal choice for many pumpkin recipes. 

Most blue pumpkin varieties like full sun and well-draining soil with lots of nutrients, and many are just as tasty in all of the traditional pumpkin holiday recipes as your favorite orange ones are. They will typically stay good for six months if stored in a cool, dry place. And to top things off, you have the perfect opportunity to help bring awareness to children on the autism spectrum this Halloween by placing a blue pumpkin on your doorstep.