The Grocery Store That's Known To Carry Budget-Friendly Hydrangeas

When you're on a mission to update your landscaping, you will probably head to the garden center or your local plant nursery to find beautiful new greenery. But, sometimes when you least expect it, beautiful plants find you. If you are a bargain grocery shopper, then you may already know Aldi's sweet little secret: they often have plants. Those who have shopped there regularly for years know they have a fairly regular schedule and in the spring, you can expect to see a selection of hydrangea plants for your garden or home.


Aldi is known for its seasonal merchandise, from special food for Octoberfest, to garden supplies in the spring. Sometimes they even have seasonally appropriate large items like patio sets and plastic wheelbarrows (one of our favorite finds that has lasted almost a decade, so far!). Throughout the summer, your local store may have a rack of houseplants, and in the fall, you're likely to see a nice selection of mums. If you want to add hydrangeas to your landscape, it might be worth waiting until spring to save a lot of money at Aldi.

Selecting a healthy hydrangea

Just because a plant is inexpensive does not mean it's always a good deal. Some stores take excellent care of their plants while others just park them on a rack and hope they sell quickly. There are a few things to consider before buying a hydrangea at Aldi. Unless this plant is purchased as a gift for a friend as a temporary houseplant, you'll need to make sure that the hydrangea you're buying is hardy to your USDA Hardiness Zone, as certain types of hydrangeas will thrive in warmer versus cooler climates. Aldi can be iffy about labels, so make sure the hydrangea you are looking at has either the variety name or hardiness zone listed.


Once you have determined the plant is appropriate for your landscape, check the soil. Sometimes planters come wrapped in decorative foil, which prevents drainage. If the hydrangea has been regularly watered, there may be excess moisture in the bottom of the pot. Feel the surface of the soil. It should be moist but not soggy. Avoid buying anything with yellowing leaves, or sour-smelling soil since these could be signs of root rot. One benefit of buying your plants from Aldi is they have a very generous return policy. If you get home with an unhealthy plant, you should be able to return it without any problems.

