Clean Up Sticky Candy Stains With The Help Of WD-40, Here's How

Whether you have kids who love chocolate and candy, or you have a sweet tooth yourself, one afternoon you may find that a mysterious someone sat on your couch and left behind a butterscotch candy that has become welded to the seat cushion. Or, perhaps you've discovered a chunk of chocolate has melted into one of your chairs. While this is certainly unfortunate, the good news about getting rid of a sticky candy stain is that you can use WD-40 on your furniture and carpet to loosen the mess — and then clean it further with soapy water.

WD-40 was originally designed as an anti-corrosive product to de-rust rockets. We often use it to lubricate hinges and get rid of creaks or grime on different car parts. But as a multi-purpose solvent, lubricant, and cleaner, it has some surprising household applications, and even professional carpet and upholstery cleaning services use and recommend it as a stain lifter when utilized correctly. If properly stored, WD-40 won't expire, and many people keep it stowed in the garage for years so it's ready at a moment's notice for an urgent situations — just like this one.

How to clean up that candy stain from your home

Because of its sugar content, candy can strongly adhere to carpet or upholstered furniture, and in each case, you can use this WD-40 hack to loosen candy's vice-like grip. Using the little red straw applicator to precisely direct the flow, spray under or around any candy stuck to the surface. Let that marinate for at least five minutes, or more, then blot the excess WD-40 off. Now you should be able to remove the sticky mess using your hands (it's probably best to wear groves) or a tool you can use to scrape. Repeat this process until all residue is removed. Have some warm, soapy water nearby and wash the area after with a microfiber cloth. Lastly, "rinse" it with clean water, and then blot dry using a clean cloth.

There's an important caveat here. Although WD-40 even works safely on leather furniture, whenever you apply any chemical to a textile, first test the product on a hidden corner that no one will see to ensure the WD-40 won't damage or discolor your chair, carpet, or sofa. Then go ahead with the de-candying process as described. Also, it's important that you thoroughly remove the WD-40 residue with soap, because otherwise, it may attract dust or leave an odor — so don't skip this step. It's a healthy practice to ventilate with fans whenever you use a cleaning product inside and keep children and pets away from the area until it's dry.