Spray WD-40 On Your Shovel To Make Snow Removal A Snap

If you live in a part of the world that typically has a crispy-cold winter, you're probably gearing up for freezing temperatures and piles of snow on your driveway — or you're expecting piles of snow on the sidewalk in front of your apartment. In either case, if you want to accomplish even the most basic task like a grocery run, then you're about to experience the cardio-enhancing physical labor of shoveling in the cold, and any trick that can lighten that load is a welcome help. We appreciate the slickness of WD-40's multi-purpose spray because it allows each shovelful of snow to slip off the blade, causing the whole process to move that much faster.


If you don't already keep a canister of this spray with its iconic little red straw in your garage, run to the hardware store — it has an incredible number of household applications. Originally designed in the early 1950s to prevent Atlas mission rockets from corroding, today WD-40 is used to clean windows, de-rust metal machines, and lubricate and revive car parts exposed to water. The best news? As long as you store it properly, WD-40 does not expire, making it always ready to use. So if you're hit by a flash snowstorm, it'll be instantly there to lighten your load.

Best practices to clear snow with WD-40

First, before you or any family members go outside, make sure you're wearing enough warm clothing and sunscreen. It's also better not to work right after a meal but wait a couple of hours. Then, once you're ready, get a friend to make your snow removal project happen twice as fast.


The incredible truth about WD-40 is that it has over 2,000 uses, and this one makes harsh winters just a bit easier. Liberally spray the front and back of the shovel blade, taking care not to accidentally get any WD-40 on the handle (or your gloves). You'll need to maintain a firm grip! After you've applied the spray, what you'll find is that instead of snow staying caked on the shovel, you won't need to keep banging it on the ground to remove the excess — it will just drop off. Since it'll have lubricant in it, deposit the snow you're removing into the street gutter, not onto your grass. 

You might have noticed from the collective wisdom of the internet that people recommend spraying your shovel with cooking spray. While this is a viable alternative, why deprive yourself of a few extra helpings of stir-fried veggies or turkey burgers? Use WD-40 to ease your snow shoveling tasks instead of wasting cooking oil that's meant to be used with food. 


