Save This Hack In Case You Need To Do Damage Control On A Load Of Linty Laundry

We've all opened a washer or dryer with a fresh, clean laundry load only to find it riddled with lint. Trying to manually remove it from each piece of clothing can be maddening, though sometimes it's necessary to remove lint in a pinch by hand. However, a simple hack can prevent lint from overtaking your next laundry load and all you need is a microfiber cloth. The microfiber cloth attracts lint, keeping it off your clothes.

Lint occurs for a variety of reasons. It is actually made up of tiny fibers that break off from fabrics during wear and tear. These fibers can come from a variety of sources, including clothing, carpets, furniture, and even our own hair and skin. It's caused by fabrics rubbing against each other. Between the rustle of the clothes in the washing machine combined with the heat from the dryer, fabric fibers break down and release lint particles. This is why we often find lint on clothes after they have been washed and dried in the dryer.

How microfiber extracts the lint from clothes

Yet another cause of lint is static electricity, which can attract lint particles and make them more likely to stick to clothes. Consequently, we often notice more lint on clothes in the winter when the air is drier and there is more static electricity. Oddly enough, that is also why microfiber cloths are an ingenious way to remove lint from clothes. You don't even have to use any elbow grease. Just throw a couple of microfiber cloths in the dryer after doing a load of laundry to divert the lint to the cloths instead of your clothes.

There are a few reasons why microfiber cloths attract lint. Microfiber cloths are made of synthetic fibers that are positively charged. This positive charge attracts any negatively charged lint particles it comes into contact with, which cling to the cloth. Microfiber cloths also have very fine fibers, which are much finer than the fibers of cotton or other fabrics. These fine fibers can trap lint particles, making it difficult to remove them.