Snakes Have The Perfect Hiding Spot In Your Yard If You Have One Of These

Tire swings are often thought of as a fun and relaxing spot in a yard, but snakes can also be attracted to them. They have a few good reasons to hang out in tire swings, and it's not just because they're looking for a spot to lounge around. Tire swings provide snakes with the basic elements they need to survive.

The unique features of a tire swing are one reason why snakes like to hang out in them. According to pest control experts, the number one thing you can do to keep snakes out of your yard is not to provide them a warm shelter. Tire swings are often made of rubber, which can absorb and retain heat from the sun. This warmth can be attractive to snakes, which are cold-blooded animals that rely on external sources of heat to regulate their body temperature.

Another reason snakes might be drawn to tire swings is the abundance of food sources like rats, mice, slugs, and snails that can often be found nearby since it's not only snakes that seek shelter. Small rodents and other animals can seek to do the same, attracting snakes to your property. Snakes have a keen sense of smell and can detect the presence of potential prey from a distance, making tire swings a prime hunting spot. Rainwater can also collect inside tire swings and provide a source of water for the reptiles.

Tire swings help snakes hunt and hide

Tire swings provide a dark, enclosed space inside that can give snakes a good hiding spot. Snakes are ambush predators, so they favor environments that allow them to remain hidden until prey is close. While snakes can seek out prey from inside a tire swing, the swing also offers snakes a haven from potential predators, such as birds of prey or other snakes. The enclosed space within the tire can provide a sense of security, allowing them to relax.

In addition, tire swings provide the slithering reptiles with a convenient way to get around. For one, the rough texture of the swing gives snakes a comfortable surface to slither over and around. Snakes use their scales to grip and crawl, so a textured surface like a tire can be a welcome feature for them. Snakes are excellent climbers, and the rope or chain of a tire swing can also serve as a makeshift ladder, allowing them to easily ascend to new heights, whether to escape from predators or seek out more prey.

What to do if you find a snake in your tire swing

Snakes are generally not aggressive and will only bite if they feel threatened or cornered, so it's important to approach the situation cautiously. If you can recognize that the snake is venomous, call a professional pest company. If it is not venomous and just a simple garden snake, you can try to carefully remove the snake from the tire swing using a pair of gloves or a long-handled tool. You'll want to handle it gently and avoid harming it.

However, if the thought of doing that makes you squeamish or if you don't know what kind of snake it is, call a snake removal expert. These professionals have the training and equipment necessary to safely and humanely remove the snake from your property.

Once the snake is gone, it's time to look closer at your yard. Keep it free of debris, leaves, and clutter. Clean up any food scraps or pet food. Make sure your garbage can is covered and has a tight-fitting lid. Look for piles of rocks, wood, or other potential hiding spots and remove them. Lawn maintenance errors can also attract pests that snakes prey on, and snakes prefer tall grass and weeds for cover so keep your grass short. Seal up any holes or gaps in your home's foundation, walls, or doors. Snakes can squeeze through small openings, so make sure to caulk any cracks and crevices.