The Lemon Hack That Will Leave Your Glass Shower Dazzlingly Clean

A glass shower door is an excellent sentry that'll prevent water from escaping your shower's enclosure, keeping your bathroom clean and dry and minimizing unwarranted slipping accidents. However, this sentry constantly comes into contact with water, developing stains and streaks over time. This will detract from the overall appearance of the glass door and make it look dirty. While removing water streaks with a squeegee every time you use the shower is a good way to maintain the glass enclosure, you might not have the time (or the inclination) to clean the door daily. Luckily, you can use lemon to clean your glass shower doors weekly.


Lemon juice has multiple household uses, including leaving your glass shower enclosure dazzlingly clean. The citric acid in lemons will tackle the streaks and stains with élan. Plus, its natural fragrance will make your bathroom smell fresh and pleasant. The best part, though? Lemons are widely available, and you won't have to spend much on them. Additionally, this cleaning method won't require too much time or elbow grease.

How to use lemon to clean glass shower

Gather a few lemons, cut them in half, and squeeze them. The goal is to collect around 3 tablespoons of lemon juice to eliminate unsightly watermarks. Once you have the desired quantity, pour the juice into a spray bottle and combine it with 1 cup of distilled water to create your DIY cleaning solution. Now, spritz the glass enclosure generously and let the solution work its magic for around five minutes. After the time is up, move a squeegee downward to clean the glass. You can also use a sponge to remove the solution, but you'll have to spray the glass with water afterward to remove the residual solution.


After removing the solution, use a dry microfiber cloth to rub the glass clean. In case there are some stubborn marks left, cut a lemon in half and rub the juicy end in naturally abrasive kosher salt. Now, rub the lemon directly onto the stains for a dazzling glass enclosure. Don't forget to rinse and dry your glass shower to remove the lemon and salt mixture. If you don't have kosher salt handy, substitute with baking soda. To keep your glass shower looking its best, apply a thin coat of lemon oil. This will keep water and soap from sticking to the glass.

