The Household Essential You Can Use To Clean Up Unsightly Mouse Droppings

Rats and mice are the bane of existence for homeowners. They'll sneak into your house through any opening they can get. Tiny hole in the floor? No problem! And once they're inside, they'll settle in for the long haul. That means they'll eat your food, use your cabinets (and other hidey-holes) as theirs, and leave behind droppings in the most unexpected places. Mouse and rat droppings are small, brownish-black in color, and rounded. For the most part, they're smaller than a grain of rice. Luckily, you can use a household essential — hydrogen peroxide — to clean up unsightly droppings from rats and mice and get rid of the associated bacteria.

Although handling mouse droppings will gross you out, that's the least of your problems. They harbor germs that cause salmonella infection and Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome (HPS). In light of these health risks, it's imperative to clean mouse droppings in the house as soon as you spot them. However, there's a catch. You can't simply wrap them up and throw them away, swipe them away with a broom, or run your trusty vacuum (even one with a HEPA filter), as this action would disturb the air surrounding the waste matter and allow the harmful viruses to become airborne. Besides, you still would need to disinfect the area where you found the droppings. This is where disinfectants like hydrogen peroxide come in.

Use hydrogen peroxide to disinfect mouse droppings

Before you get started, don rubber (or plastic) gloves and a face mask to prevent contamination. You can also throw open the windows and doors in the room to boost ventilation. Now, spritz the droppings with a solution with 3% hydrogen peroxide to wet them. This will prevent the germs from getting airborne. Follow it up with white vinegar to eliminate almost all the germs. Use a paper towel to gently scoop up the waste, put it in a garbage bag, tie it up, and dump it out immediately.

Now, remove all food residue and chewed-out items, like documents. You must also disinfect the area afterward. Spray the floors, countertops, and shelves with the hydrogen peroxide solution to kill any lingering bacteria. Use a paper towel to wipe down the surfaces. As an extra precaution, spritz the affected surfaces with white vinegar and wipe with a paper towel. Don't forget to steam or shampoo the carpets. If you're using reusable gloves, disinfect them before taking them off. Scrub your hands clean with a disinfectant soap and hot water for at least 20 seconds. Remember, alcohol-based sanitizers aren't effective enough, so don't just rely on them.