The Stunning TikTok Pizza Pan Hack That'll Elevate Your Home Office

Working from home is a dream come true for many of us, especially when your supervisor isn't hanging over you like a dead goose. While it might sound like a walk in the park, things can turn sour when you forget important tasks you're supposed to accomplish throughout the day and end up falling behind on work or your home life. Organizing your time is just as important, which is why having a cute memo board that doubles as wall art in your home office is brilliant. Popular TikTok DIY home improvement creator Julie's Wreath Boutique shares how she turns a dollar store pizza pan into a stunning memo board that will help you remember all your goals for the day.

This hack tops the list of creative and functional DIY wall art because of how eye-catching it is. In addition to the pizza pan, you'll need peel-and-stick removable wallpaper, decorative nautical rope, and other decorations like burlap ribbons and faux fern leaves. Each of these basic items is just $1.25 at the dollar store and amounts to a total of $6.25, at the time of writing. If you don't have a nearby dollar store, you can grab the items here and there from your storage, or make a quick run to your local crafts shop. If you want to add cute baubles to your memo board, you can grab those at a low cost, too. Additionally, you'll need a blade, pencil, and super glue. 

Decorate the pan and hang it above your desk

Creating your home office memo board shouldn't take you more than 10 minutes. Start by carving out the circumference of your pizza pan onto the wallpaper. Cut the wallpaper in half and stick each half gently into the pan so that there aren't any wrinkles. Trim the excess edges off and you'll have a pan with wallpaper in the center.

Next, wind the rope around the circumference of the pan, gluing it down as you go along for a cute, rustic-looking border. Once you've gone round about four times, the border should be thick enough. Repeat with one layer of rope on the back. Add a rope loop to one end where you can hang the pizza pan from a wall hanger. Tie the ribbon up and glue it to that top end along with the fern leaves. You'll be left with a pretty board to stick notes on so you don't forget a Zoom meeting or to pick up that dry cleaning. As most stainless steel pans will be magnetic, you can simply use magnets you have already, or create your own by gluing magnet backings onto decorative pieces, like wood chunks.

You can remix this hack by painting the wallpaper with Rust-Oleum chalkboard spray, which you can get for $6.98 from Walmart, at the time of writing. First, clean the pizza pan thoroughly and then spray it over with about three coats. Let it dry completely before writing chalk notes on your new art piece.