The Simple Trick That'll Turn Your Balcony Into A Hummingbird Hotspot

As delicate as the flowers they're drawn to, hummingbirds are charming yard guests. Flitting about, they can be hard to spot if you're not paying attention — and they aren't resting. These adorable tiny birds are always a delight. Yet homeowners sometimes struggle to get them to find comfort in their balcony spaces. One way to remedy that is to offer the nervous needlenoses a peaceful place to perch.

"Hovering in mid-air while feeding consumes a lot of energy for hummingbirds," Kelsey Waddell, from, told Homes and Gardens. "Having perches nearby allows them to conserve energy by perching and resting between feeding, rather than constantly hovering. They also need to rest and digest their food, which they eat in huge amounts to fuel their high-energy activities." 

Adding perches alone is not enough to beckon hummingbirds to your space. You also need to consider their physiological needs. For instance, your balcony railing might be too thick for them to rest comfortably. So, a hummingbird-friendly perch gives them more stability since they can wrap their little feet around it.

How to create perches

When you want to greet hummingbirds daily from the serenity of your balcony, you need to make it a serene place for them. One way to do that is to hang a perch from your balcony or porch. And, even though your balcony is already high, remember that hummingbirds don't mind the height. That's good news since hummingbird perches are something you can easily buy and hang from your balcony ceiling. It gives the birds a little space from you, too, which can help them be comfortable as cautious little beings. 

If you're working with a tight budget and would rather make your own hummingbird perch, that's easy enough if you have a spare wire hanger. Simply straighten the wire hanger, and wrap one end around your balcony railing. Then, bend the other end horizontally to give the birdies a spot to rest.

Try to face the perch so hummingbirds have something to look at. They like to be able to see out while they're resting, which they do for at least 80% of their day. Ideally, the perch will also have some flowers or flowered tree branches nearby to snack while they wait — that's also how to attract hummingbirds to your garden.

What to look for in a hummingbird perch

Hummingbird aficionados know that the best way to encourage bird sightings is to offer them a place to rest. Place your hummingbird perch in a shady spot close to a feeder, or find a feeder that includes one. You'll also want to watch out for errors you don't want to make with your hummingbird feeder, like placing it too low. Keeping your perch too low, even on a balcony and especially if you have a balcony-roaming house cat, can be dangerous for the birds.

Whether you make or buy a perch, try to look for one that is ¼ to ½ inch in diameter so the little bird feet can easily wrap around it. There isn't any scientific evidence indicating whether hummingbirds prefer stationary perches or swings. Yet anecdotal evidence shows that they like both, so whichever suits your fancy should do the trick. Hummingbirds are also known to love the color red. You can incorporate this bright color into the perch itself to encourage them to use it. 

Getting hummingbirds to spend time on your balcony takes finesse. It isn't hard to make a space amenable to them, just some patience and planning. With a few simple alterations, your balcony can become a hummingbird haven