Pinterest Shares A Brilliant Way To Repurpose Old Garage Doors In Your Garden

Whether it's necessary or optional, home renovation can result in a lot of waste, so when there's an opportunity to upcycle some of that trash, we're here for it. Pinterest users have found a clever use for the panels that make up garage doors, keeping them out of landfills while providing free and sturdy materials for raised beds.

There are a few reasons you might find yourself with garage door panels destined for the landfill. Perhaps your door has unsightly dents and dings, so it's time for a replacement. Sometimes, a garage door stops working, and getting a new one is inevitable. If you're renovating or upgrading the facade of your home, you may need a whole different style to modernize your curb appeal. Whatever the reason, you can ask your contractor or the installer to let you keep the individual panels to use as sides for raised garden beds. Since garage doors are made to withstand every weather condition, they are certainly sturdy to use outside.

How to turn garage doors into raised beds

There are many ways to use garage door panels as raised garden beds and if you're comfortable with a power saw, you can convert them for free or almost free. Most single-door panels are either 8 or 9 feet wide, which is an excellent length for raised beds. Double garage doors are 16 or 18 feet wide, so they would need to be cut in half unless you want a really long bed that requires extra support in the center to keep them upright. The height of garage panels ranges from 18 to 24 inches tall, again making them an ideal size for garden beds.

The simplest method we see on Pinterest is to simply cut an 8-foot panel in half to use for each end, making the raised beds about 4 feet wide by 8 feet long. You'll need a 4-by-4 piece of wood cut to the height of the panel for each corner. Screw both sides of the garden bed to the 4-by-4 in the corners to make a box.

Sprucing up garage door gardens

If you like the idea of upcycling used garage doors for garden beds but not the aesthetic, there are several ways to make them more attractive. To keep this project budget-friendly, paint the panels a color you'll enjoy seeing in your garden. Be sure to use a paint specifically formulated for metal if you go this route. If you are handy with a paintbrush, you can really add interest to your garage door gardens by adding unique garden-themed designs. If your decorative paint is not made to use on metal, you can seal your artwork with polyurethane.

For something a little more expensive yet refined, a stained wooden frame around your panels can hide the fact they are actually upcycled garage doors. You will need some basic power tool skills for this project, but if you know your way around basic DIY projects, you can get creative with your frame to add structural beauty to your new garden beds for minimal cost.