Save Space In Your Closet With These Brilliant Storage Hacks For Tall Boots

Boots are a timeless and fashionable choice for footwear. They're also pretty versatile — from a leisurely walk to an elegant night out, they've got you covered. But if you're like many boot enthusiasts, you know that storing them can be a bit tricky. Unlike sneakers or sandals, boots are a bit bulky, so they need extra storage care. Luckily, there are many practical and easy hacks you can try, often with things you've already got at home or that won't break the bank. For instance, pool noodles and binder clips can be used to up your tall boot storage game. Just insert a pool noodle into each boot as a boot shaper, or use the extra binder clips in your office to hang your favorite pair in your closet.

Boots may develop creases, lose shape, and deteriorate more quickly without proper storage. Boot inserts like pool noodles keep the shaft upright and maintain the shape when not in use. They also promote optimal airflow, which prevents moisture buildup during storage. Hanging boots, alternatively, is an excellent way to conserve space while avoiding the issues caused by letting boots flop over in a pile.

Use pool noodles to keep your boots in shape

Boots made of certain materials often flop over and can't stand upright, making boot shapers essential for their storage. For easy placement and removal, you can cut a standard-sized pool noodle in half, with each piece slightly taller than your boots. Alternatively, you can cut them an inch shorter if you find the excess pool noodle poking out visually unappealing. The advantage of using pool noodles is their simplicity — no further modification is needed after cutting them to size. The hack is more convenient than stuffing boots with crumpled paper, which requires more effort and periodic replacement.

However, pool noodles often come in bright, vibrant colors that might not appeal to everyone. If you prefer more subdued tones, you can visit a hardware store and pick up pipe insulators. These are made of similar materials as pool noodles but are available in less vibrant colors like black, white, and gray. Turning pool noodles into boot shapers is just one of the many ways you can use them. There are other ingenious pool noodle hacks you never thought to use around the house. You'll be surprised; you can even use it to DIY the most unique textured accent wall in your home!

Hang your boots using binder clips

If you prefer not to use pool noodles but still want to keep your boots upright, hanging them in your closet with boot hangers is an effective alternative. This method allows you to avoid stuffing your boots and lets gravity maintain their shape. However, it's worth noting that boot hangers can be pricey. For example, a set of three boot hangers is priced at about $24.95 on Amazon. This can add up if you have multiple pairs. However, there's a budget-friendly alternative using standard office supplies. You can use binder clips to secure your boots and large book rings to hang them. You can use one binder clip for each boot or use one to hang a pair. The size of your rod might pose a problem, though. If your rods are too thick for book rings, consider using shower curtain rings instead. They might be easier to fit onto the rods. If neither option works, S-hooks are another excellent choice. You can also insert a hanger through the binder clip, as demonstrated in this video from EMCDEvs EMCDevs.

You can use this hack with space-saving hangers, like the chain hack space-saving storage solution! Also, it's important to consider the pressure that binder clips exert on the material of your boots, as this can potentially cause dents or marks over time. To mitigate this risk, fold a paper towel and place it as a cushion between the binder clip and the boot.