Remove Stains From Your Porcelain Sink With A DIY Vinegar Solution

Ready to give your porcelain sink a spot-clean? Before you grab the bleach, we have another suggestion you may like even more. Vinegar can be a versatile cleaning tool that works on many types of surfaces, including a sink made from porcelain. White vinegar, in particular, is a non-toxic alternative to chemical cleansers that is surprisingly tough on grease, dirt, bacteria, mineral deposits, and more. When applied with a non-abrasive cloth, a small amount can effectively wipe away stains without causing any surface damage.

It's worth mentioning that white vinegar is not compatible with all materials. In fact, there are some things you should never clean with vinegar. However, spot-cleaning your porcelain sink with white vinegar is not only safe but preferred — this delicate material does not always tolerate harsh scrubbing and chemicals. A simple DIY vinegar solution will sanitize your porcelain sink and remove stains with ease. You may not think it's as effective as traditional cleaners but don't knock it until you try it.

How to make a vinegar-based cleaner for your porcelain sink

Instead of using abrasive cleaners or bleach on your porcelain sink, restore it to spotless condition with a simple DIY solution. Fill a spray bottle filled with undiluted white vinegar, spray it onto a soft cloth, and gently scrub the stains with circular motions. The acetic acid in the vinegar will break down rust, dirt, and grime, as well as hard water and soap scum buildup — the main culprits of surface stains on porcelain sinks. The acidity of vinegar also makes it effective at killing some bacteria. If the strong smell doesn't deter you, you will likely find that a simple vinegar treatment is all you need to keep your sink stain-free.

When cleaning a porcelain sink, it's best to try mild cleaners like vinegar first before resorting to more heavy-duty products, as too much scouring can damage the finish. There are also cleaning solutions for porcelain sinks with other homemade cleaners. Minor blemishes can be buffed out with a sprinkle of baking soda and a damp cloth. An effective solution for rust stains is borax, or sodium borate, mixed with a few drops of lime juice. If these are not doing the trick, chlorine-free hydrogen peroxide (also known as oxygen bleach) and mild liquid detergent are safe for both white and colored porcelain sinks. If you want a clean porcelain sink, a few household staples could go a long way.