Tips To Make Sure You Are Recycling Milk Cartons The Right Way

If you use milk cartons each week, you should consider recycling them. Doing so can help you reduce your carbon footprint and improve your climate-friendliness. Cartons are made of high-quality materials, and when recycled, they can be particularly useful for manufacturing new products. There are two types of cartons that you'll find at the store and both are recyclable. This includes shelf-stable cartons, known as aseptic cartons, that are made of paper, plastic, and aluminum. You'll find these on store shelves being used for broth, condensed milk, and other unrefrigerated liquids. Refrigerated cartons, also known as gable top cartons, are made of just paper and plastic. These will be found in a store's refrigerator and will store things such as juice, milk, and other cold liquids. 


The basic steps for recycling a milk carton is usually similar from place to place. The first step is to remove any remaining liquid from the carton — however, there's no need to rinse it out. Keep the plastic cap on, and if there's a straw, push it inside. Don't crush or flatten the carton. Next, simply add the carton to your recycling bin. In many areas, you can drop off your recyclables or leave it outside for curbside pickup. However, guidelines for how to recycle milk and juice cartons vary from place to place. You'll want to check with your municipality or the waste organization in your local area for details on recycling programs and the exact process you should follow.

Consider upcycling milk cartons instead

In addition to recycling, remember that upcycling is always an option as well. Upcycling can allow you to instantly put a milk carton to good use and can be worth considering for at least some of the milk cartons you use. There are a variety of common household items you can turn into planters and you can do the same with milk cartons. To make a DIY milk carton planter, rinse the inside of the carton with water several times and then cut a rectangle into one side, ensuring there's plenty of depth. Add soil and plant seeds or seedlings before placing it in your desired location. 


Another great solution is to create a simple storage basket. First, clean your milk carton thoroughly, as outlined above. Then, evenly cut off the top using scissors or a utility knife. You can glue lollipop sticks all around the outside or use another material to decorate the sides and improve its structure. You can add them with either a glue gun or craft glue. If desired, add paint. Next, attach a fabric lining to the inside of the basket and around the top. You can then use the milk carton to store a variety of small items. 

Finally, another great upcycling option is to create a bird feeder out of an empty milk carton. You'll simply need to clean the carton thoroughly, paint it, and then create a rectangular hole in it. Attach a string to the top and hang it in a tree. You can then add seed and enjoy watching as various birds come by to indulge.


