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The Freezing Trick To Get Rid Of Pesky Wood-Boring Insects

As you might guess from its name, the common furniture beetle (or woodworm) can wreak havoc in your home. Other wood-boring pests like longhorn and deathwatch beetles can be equally destructive. Although common kitchen ingredients can be used for a lot of DIY pest control, they don't have much impact on these bugs. However, there is a neat freezing trick that does work. It can kill these pesky invaders, including the dreaded termites, before they do more damage.


Freezing works because insects are cold-blooded. Unlike us, they can't regulate their own body temperature. It changes with their surroundings. As it gets colder, insects slow down, and although a few can survive the winter, most — including wood-boring bugs — will die if frozen for any length of time.

So the trick is to get any wooden item that's been infested into the freezer. Yes, your household freezer. Okay, you won't want beetles in there with your food, so put it in a plastic bag and tape it up well. The time it needs to spend in the freezer will depend on the thickness of the item, but a week should do it. When you remove the item, allow it 24 hours to thaw before unwrapping to prevent condensation on the wood. Handle carefully because the cold can make glue joints fragile. After going to all this trouble to freeze the wood-boring insects, you don't want the thing falling to pieces.


What if it won't fit in the freezer?

Okay, clearly there's a limit to the size of item you can get in your freezer, and unless you have access to a meat locker, you'll need to look for an alternative solution for large items or if wood-boring insects have gotten into the framework of your home. Infestations can be serious, and if you've found bugs in picture frames or furniture, there's every chance they might be elsewhere. You need to check carefully.


If you do find signs of insect activity, there are several ways to get rid of termites that will also kill wood-boring beetles. Boric acid (or borax) — like the Ecoxall brand available on Amazon — is one example. However, it can cause skin, eye, and respiratory irritation so be sure to keep children and pets out of the treated area.

Never underestimate the damage wood-boring insects can do. If you see holes in floorboards or beams, there could be problems with the support structure of your house. Although the freezing trick works and insecticides might be effective if damage is spotted early enough, you should call in pest control professionals to assess the problem and advise you whether or not treatment is necessary.


