3 Delicious Edible Flowers That You Can Grow In Your Garden

Edible flowers are becoming an increasingly popular way to add extra flavor and beauty to a culinary dish. In fact, many cultures have used edible flowers in their cuisine for centuries. Some are used for sipping in beverages like teas, and others can be added to salads to give them a unique taste.

One of the benefits of using edible flowers is that they can jazz up a dish and make it look beautiful. Flowers add color and variety to food, making a meal more interesting. In addition, different flowers have different flavors and textures, so you can experiment with different types to find the ones you like best.

If you're interested in growing your own edible flowers, there are a few things to keep in mind. Not all flowers are safe to eat — be sure to do your research before planting or harvesting anything because many flowers are poisonous. The University of Minnesota Extension suggests planting what they call an "edible landscape," which is a garden filled with a combination of greens, ornamentals, and delicious edible flowers that you can pick from.


The calendula, also known as the pot marigold, is an edible flower that has a delicious peppery flavor. It grows in a variety of colors, and its petals are great in salads. According to the University of New Hampshire, the flower has been used as a dye and medicinal herb since ancient times, and the oil is widely used today. The flowers range in color from yellow to orange to pink and even sometimes red.

The calendula plant is also used medicinally and has been used in everything from creating soothing skincare products to being used in place of saffron to add a pop of yellow color to your recipes. It's important that you only use the petals of this flower and that you pick them carefully. It is an annual flower that you can easily start from seeds, and in addition to adding flavor to dishes, they look lovely in any garden.


They are always a surprise when we receive them in a bouquet! Roses are often seen as decorative plants, but all rose varieties are actually edible, according to Healthline. Roses can also be brewed into tea, which is said to be refreshing and detoxifying. Eating roses is a fun and unique way to enjoy this beautiful flower. Not all roses have the same flavor, though. According to Almanac, the more fragrant the rose is, the more flavorful it will be. The petals can be used as edible decorations on a cake, or they can be added to a salad for a pop of color and flavor, or even tossed in with granola and yogurt.

Roses are also tasty in jams. It is essential to take care when removing the petals, and Almanac says to remove the white base. The National Library of Medicine states that rose oil can help reduce anxiety. You can grow any type of rose and reap the benefits of these delicious blooms. It is truly a versatile flower.


What could be more cheerful than a colorful touch of pansies in your food? These little flowers can taste like wintergreen or even tart or grassy, and they're a great way to add some extra flavor to your salads, or you can even make them into beautiful edible cake decorations. You can candy them to give them a sheer look and incorporate them into a variety of sweet dishes, according to Martha Stewart. Best of all, they're easy to grow so that you can enjoy their fresh taste all season long. 

Pansies have a sweet, delicate flavor that goes well with many different foods. Birds and Blooms state that the beautiful blossoms grow in a variety of colors, including blue, white, yellow, red, and purple. The National Library of Medicine shares that pansies even have antioxidant properties, so while you're adding beauty to your dishes, you're reaping some health benefits.