Denise Porretto

Photo of Denise Porretto
Princeton, NJ
Queens College
Sexual Health, Medicine, Child Health & Development
  • Denise has previously written about women's health for national print magazines, such as Redbook, Living Fit, and Mademoiselle, for on-line publications, including Healthline, ModernBride, and Healthgate, and for the blogs of local exercise studios.
  • She has written about child health and development for many national print magazines, including Parents, Parenting, and Mothering.
  • She has copy-edited and proofread peer-reviewed medical journals published by such esteemed publishers as Elsevier Science.


Denise has been a freelance writer, copy-editor, proofreader, and fact-checker for over 30 years. She began her publishing career straight out of college as a full-time copy-editor and fact-checker for Glamour magazine, then became a fashion, beauty, and fitness copywriter for Mademoiselle magazine. Since she decided, after the birth of her first child, to become a freelancer, she has contributed to many national print publications, writing mostly about women's health and child health and development. The publications she has written for include Parents, Parenting, American Baby, Food & Fitness Advisor, Better Homes & Gardens, Mothering, Redbook, and many other national and local magazines. She also has copy-edited and proofread peer-reviewed medical journals, on such topics as cardiology, oncology, and rheumatology. Denise has a passion for learning about health and medicine, and finds babies, with their incredible development, fascinating. She also writes as a volunteer for an animal welfare nonprofit organization. When she's not reading up on the latest news stories about health, she loves to lose herself in arts and crafts. Someday she hopes to combine her writing skill and her experience with all-things artsy to become the next Martha Stewart of crafts.


Denise has a Bachelor's Degree in English Literature from Queens College, CUNY, New York.
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Stories By Denise Porretto