Rachel Kolman

Photo of Rachel Kolman
Seattle, WA
Florida State University, University Of Central Florida
DIY, Thrift Store Finds, Cat-friendly Plants
  • Rachel was the 2022 Kerouac Writer in Residence in Orlando, FL. She lived in Jack Kerouac's old home on the National Registry of Historic Places.
  • In addition to living in Jack's house, Rachel has lived in 14 homes over the last 20 years. She is a pro at packing and making a small space feel homey.
  • Rachel has been a freelancer since 2013 and has published over a hundred articles across the web. She's also written a short story collection, an essay collection, and two novels.


Rachel's experience as a writer began with her first published piece in 2010 during graduate school. Since then, her career has grown, with viral essays published in Cosmopolitan and Good Housekeeping. She's been a regular contributor for Bustle, WebProNews, The Inquistr, 1-800-Flowers, and GiveWP. She loves covering trendy topics and thrifty DIYs and can get lost down a rabbit hole quite easily. She has two playful tuxedo cats that make her home décor feel more like their own personal jungle gym.


Rachel earned a Bachelor of Arts in English from Florida State University and Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing from the University of Central Florida.
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Stories By Rachel Kolman