Robyn Song

Photo of Robyn Song
New York
Brooklyn College
K-Beauty, Aesthetic Medicine, Vintage Fashion
  • Robyn has written beauty and lifestyle content for various institutions since 2015. Her most interesting encounter was with Valley of The Dolls' star Barbara Parkins while researching for her radio show.
  • From a young age, she created several handwritten zines and comics. To this day, she still draws inspiration from her collection of vintage magazines and lifestyle publications.
  • A makeup aficionado at heart, Robyn got her start in beauty working for Lancôme as a teenager.


As a child, Robyn recognized the power of makeup after sneaking a tube of Wet 'n' Wild red lipstick to church. Her first insight into the professional beauty industry came when she was signed as a model during her teens. Since then, she's worked as a makeup artist, content creator, and ghostwriter. Magazines were her first love, and she's retained a fair amount of wisdom from leafing through advice columns at an inappropriately young age.


Robyn received her BFA in studio art from Brooklyn College. She is currently studying electrolysis and aesthetic medicine.
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Stories By Robyn Song