3 Things To Know Before Painting Your Appliances

If you're unsatisfied or tired of your kitchen's aesthetic and are looking for something new and creative, you might think about painting your appliances. Doing so can really add personality to your kitchen, and is a good way to disguise any scratches, smudges, or other blemishes. To figure out if painting your appliances is right for you, take a look at some inspirational photos to get a vision of what your kitchen might look like if you do.

You can even paint stainless steel appliances, as long as the paint can withstand heat, explains AZ Rust. While painting your appliances has its benefits, there are a few potential downsides you should be aware of. Using the incorrect paint can actually spoil the look and functionality of an appliance, so knowing these things ahead of time may save you from having issues later on. To give you an idea of what you should be wary of, here are three things to know about painting your appliances. 

Your warranty may not cover painted appliances

Before you pick up your paintbrush and get to work, the first thing you should do is take a look at your warranty for each appliance. FindLaw recommends thoroughly examining the warranty to make sure painting the appliance won't invalidate it. Think of it as buying a shirt from the store, taking home and alternating it, then trying to get a refund. It just doesn't work that way. If you want to verify the terms and conditions of your warranty, seek legal counsel if it's available to you.

Alternatively, you could have a friend or family member double and triple check you are good to start painting your appliances. Should your appliance break and require a replacement down the line, you want to make sure it's still covered. If not, then you may find yourself in a position where you have to shell out a bunch of cash to replace the appliance yourself.

Damaged appliances may not be covered

Even if your warranty does cover painted appliances, there is still another factor you need to consider before painting: potential damages. If you aren't careful while painting, and the misplaced paint causes damage that can't be repaired, chances are your warranty is now void. According to FindLaw, warranties will not cover appliances that no longer work due to cosmetic alterations. Because of this, you should take extra precautions, such as using painter's tape to cover any working parts that would otherwise interfere with the appliances' performance.

Another thing to keep in mind is using the correct paint for each appliance. One of the main issues with painting your appliances is causing mold and mildew to form. To avoid this, Kitchen Sneer suggests using a water-based paint for your refrigerator. Acrylic paint is a good choice for your oven because it isn't flammable, Fluid Paint states. This means you don't have to worry about damaging it — or sending your home up in flames.

It's a cost-effective upgrade

The best part about painting your appliances is that it's an easy and inexpensive way to upgrade your kitchen. It's significantly less costly compared to the high price tag that comes with a complete renovation, says Realtor. For reference, the average cost of a kitchen renovation is around $20,000, according to KBR Kitchen and Bath. The price of a few cans of paint is nowhere near that amount, so you can feel good knowing how much money you saved painting your appliances. You also save money by not hiring professional painters and making it a DIY project instead.

Another great thing about painting your appliances is how creative you can get. You can paint every appliance the same color, or mix things up with different colors, shades, or even patterns. Your custom paint job will wow your guests, and best of all, you'll feel confident knowing your kitchen is one-of-a-kind.