5 Classy Ways To Incorporate Game Of Thrones Into Your Home Decor

Have you been in mourning ever since the epic fantasy show "Game of Thrones" aired its final season? Have you read all of George R.R. Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" books while eagerly awaiting the release of the "House of the Dragon" spinoff series? Do you know for sure what house you would belong to if you lived in Westeros? If all of that is the case, we wouldn't be surprised if you were looking for ways to bring "Game of Thrones" into your home decor scheme. The many regions, climates, nation-states, and family clans within the Seven Kingdoms provide no shortage of design ideas, whether that means incorporating a few bold statement pieces, as Elle Decor recommends, or using the show as inspiration for styling your entire home. 


Of course, there are only so many ways you can model your house off of Westerosi-style living. The residences in the series tended to lack windows and interior plumbing, a good reminder that living in a castle isn't all it's cracked up to be. Plus, it's not exactly up-to-code to light your home via flaming wall sconce, and it may be difficult for guests to feel comfortable if the primary material in your furniture is the melted-down swords of your enemies, reforged in dragon fire. But never fear — there are plenty of ways to bring the Red Keep or Casterly Rock into your home without reverting to full-on medieval living. 

House Targaryen: power, fire, and dragons

House Targaryen ruled the Seven Kingdoms for hundreds of years because they alone had access to the weapon of mass destruction known as the dragon. Any decorating scheme paying homage to this house should incorporate the Targaryen colors, red and black, although it may be wise not to lean too hard on the accompanying violent and imposing motto, "Fire and Blood." A Targaryen-style room would work best if it featured a fireplace, although there are other ways to call fire to mind. Decorating your home with candles and flame-inspired imagery, such as abstract artwork emphasizing red, orange, or yellow, are good substitutes for actual fire.


To emphasize House Targaryen as a whole, consider featuring red and black in the flooring. Cherry wood floors and black granite accents offer a way to merge two intense colors that can overwhelm a room if you're not careful. Any space designed for dragons needs to be heatproof, of course, so incorporate metal and stone for your materials to feel like you're living back when dragon riders ruled Westeros.

You could also choose Daenerys Targaryen, the only remaining member of the family in "Game of Thrones," as your muse, and incorporate pieces of her life into your space. As Refinery29 points out, Daenerys was shaped in her formative years by the variety of cultures she lived in, primarily that of the Dothraki horse lords who dominated the savanna, so you could focus on invoking bohemian and desert vibes.


House Lannister: money, opulence, and glamor

The actual motto of House Lannister is "Hear Me Roar," but most Westerosi people know the richest house in the Seven Kingdoms by its more common refrain, "A Lannister always pays his debts." In the Lannisters' world, money speaks louder than anything else, so any space with a Lannister theme needs to be duly impressive. That doesn't mean you need to coat all your furniture in gold plate, though; you can invoke luxury in subtle ways. Antiques can create a solid path toward appearing opulent without spending a ton of money, as can textile prints. Even just one expensive statement piece, such as a crystal chandelier or velvet curtains, can change the mood, suggests HGTV


Perhaps the most effective way to evoke the energy of the wealthy family would be to consider the purpose of your space. The Lannisters are famous for using their wealth and power to entertain and impress (and intimidate, in some cases) their guests, so a Lannister-themed space would work well as a dining room or other entertainment area. Don't forget to include a home bar in this room, in tribute to Tyrion's famous line, "That's what I do. I drink, and I know things." To lean farther into the second half of that statement, and bring a scholarly vibe to your space as well, feature bookshelves in your living room or convert a cozy corner into a reading nook.

House Stark: honor, family, and winter

Everyone's favorite Westerosi house — and, arguably, the most unlucky family in the Seven Kingdoms — deserves a home decor tribute based on their unfailing sense of duty, their zeal to protect others, and their iconic house motto, "Winter is Coming." Refinery29 suggests that a Stark-themed room would work best as a bedroom, living room, or other space where you can snuggle up and get comfy. The Scandinavian interior design trend of hygge would certainly invoke Stark vibes, as would the related trend of lagom interior design, which focuses on minimalism, sustainability, and quality over quantity. 


Being Warden of the North does not demand that your home decor must be sparse and bleak. You can feel like you're the Lord or Lady of Winterfell by using a dark base color in your Stark-inspired room and then building on it with lighter shades of gray and white, the hues on the Stark banner, to keep your space feeling light and airy. White and gray wallpaper, in particular, could call to mind falling snow, suggests HGTV. Artisan and handcrafted furniture and blankets will invoke simplicity while still helping a space feel comfortable and homey. Finally, focusing on wood, leather, and fur will call to mind the thick layers the Stark family sports throughout the show, their constant reminder that no matter what happens in the ongoing power plays for the Iron Throne, winter eventually comes for us all.


House Tyrell: beauty, grace, and femininity

House Tyrell is possibly the polar opposite of House Stark. Comfortably entrenched in the tropical paradise of Highgarden, the Tyrell family never has to worry about cold weather raining on their parade. Of course, they still have their own agenda. House Tyrell is the only family in Westeros ruled by a matriarch instead of a patriarch, and the tireless scheming of Olenna Tyrell to ensure her granddaughter Margaery Tyrell becomes queen definitely deserves a tribute.


Any room paying homage to House Tyrell should emphasize the feminine power of its ruling women, as well as the family motto, "Growing Strong," and their banner colors of green and gold. Since the family's ascendancy comes from planning and deal-making, as opposed to brute strength, your Tyrell-inspired room would shine as a living room or other gathering space. Here you can emphasize gorgeous details such as DIY furniture appliques, recommends That Sweet Tea Life. The lighting in the room should also evoke a feminine vibe with softer, warmer tones. And of course, this room should prominently feature what the Tyrells are most famous for — their beautiful garden. A Tyrell-themed space could be a sunroom overlooking your own gorgeous backyard cottage garden. Potted houseplants and cut flower arrangements will finish off this room's vibrant feel.


North of the Wall: ice, austerity, and survival

No "Game of Thrones" themed home decor scheme would be complete without a tribute to the world beyond Westeros, the harsh land north of the Wall featuring King Beyond the Wall Mance Rayder and his wildlings, Craster's Keep, the Night King and his white walkers, and the brave men of the Night's Watch. Any space evoking the icy white world beyond the Wall should be as solemn and rustic as possible, advises HGTV, but it can still be comfortable.


As recommended by Refinery29, keep the land of forever winter in the forefront of your mind by making white the dominant color in the space. Then use blue and black accents to evoke wintery shadows and make the overarching white pop. Your lighting should be on the sparse side, and resemble candles and natural light as much as possible. 

Because the Haunted Forest and the wildling land surrounding it is, well, wild, the furniture and other pieces in your space might eschew civilization as well, with hard, raw edges. If you incorporate wood, make sure it's unfinished and unpainted (and then be careful to watch out for splinters if you touch it!). Overall, it could be helpful to imagine a hunting lodge or a rustic cabin as inspiration for your north of the Wall-themed space. That mindset will hopefully keep you away from the more disturbing aspects of the white walkers' world, like their blue-eyed zombie army.


