Why You Should Paint The Ceiling Of This Room In Your House

Many homeowners wouldn't dare paint their ceiling anything other than white. However, choosing to add a bold color to this part of the room could make a huge impact that's sure to draw attention. According to Platinum Painting, using a daring tone can have one of two effects: In smaller rooms, it can create a more spacious feel, and in large rooms with tall ceilings, it could produce a more intimate and cozy atmosphere. Further, a showy shade could also work to highlight interesting design features on the ceiling, like crown molding or a chandelier. Additionally, whenever a statement color is used, it is sure to add lots of personality and character. 

Perhaps you're trying to decide what room you should paint the ceiling in. If so, there's one space that may be the best candidate. This is because it will cost you the least amount of money and may look extra gorgeous. Below, you'll discover what room you should choose, as well as some tips on selecting the right paint to make this brave feature come to life.

The best room choice

The best room to paint the ceiling a vivid color in may just be the bathroom, for a number of reasons. The first is that this is typically the smallest area in the home, meaning that you'll need less paint, which could save you money. Additionally, as Modo Bath points out, most washrooms have a boring and traditional style, so using a vibrant shade is sure to make a statement. And, because bathrooms are typically cramped areas that aren't used for very long periods of time at once but often, they can be the perfect place to try out some riskier design choices. 

Ideal Home demonstrates how beautiful a painted ceiling in the bathroom can be through a series of makeover images of a deep green restroom. Before, the walls were a darker shade than the white ceiling, which made the room feel disconnected. Once the ceiling was painted the same color as the walls, the room felt encompassed in color. The dark green shade transformed the space into a serene nature scene that looked quaint and well-designed.

Choosing the right paint

If you're thinking about painting your bathroom ceiling, you'll first need to make sure you choose the right paint. Made Renovation points out that because these areas are typically humid, you'll need to use durable paint with a washable finish. This will keep your ceiling from peeling or becoming damaged. You may also need to use a sealant layer on top of the colored surface to protect it from moisture.

Next, you'll need to choose the right shade. For example, a darker ceiling with lighter walls would make a small bathroom appear taller. Or, you could paint your ceiling and walls the same bold shade for a cozier feel. If you really want to make a statement, Performance Painting suggests using a bright yellow or teal. Or, you could create contrast with a deep ceiling shade and clean white trim. You could also add interesting texture by painting in swirls or adding a patterned appearance. Whatever shade you choose, it will definitely change the atmosphere and overall appearance of your bathroom.