The One Small But Important Thing You Might Be Forgetting To Do Before Moving

When you move apartments, there are about a million things going through your head. First, you have to sort through your belongings and decide what to keep, then you need to pack up everything and transport it to the new space (which usually takes a lot longer than you originally anticipated). Then there's the hassle of transferring your internet and other utilities. With so many things to take care of, it makes sense you might forget a few during the moving process. According to Hackworthy & Sons, people typically forget to redirect mail, defrost the fridge, and record meter readings. 


Every one of those tasks is significant because they can greatly affect you or your landlord if not taken care of. If you neglect to defrost your fridge upon moving, you're giving mold and mildew a chance to grow inside, says Chipman Relocation & Logistics. You may not have to deal with it, but it leaves a big mess for your landlord to keep up. That being said, there is something much more important every tenant should do. It's a small task, but it's going to save you a lot of money and headache should anything go wrong. So, what is this small-but-mighty chore? Keep reading to find out.

Take photos

It's crucial you take photos of your new place before you actually move in. In fact, you should take two sets of pictures, says Doorsteps. Snap a few the first day you view the place and the day you actually move into the apartment. Taking photos at the first showing allows you to refresh your memory of the place later. When you're apartment hunting, spaces can start to blur together, so you might forget which apartment is which. These pictures will also give you an idea of what needs to be fixed by the landlord.


The next set of photos should be taken the day you move in. When you get to your new apartment, take pictures of every piece of damage you see, from holes in the walls to small things like chipped baseboards; leave absolutely nothing out. The reason? It's a way to ensure you get your full security deposit back when you move out. You'll also have proof the damage was already there, should your landlord attempt to hold you responsible for damage you didn't cause.

Per Trulia, you should send the photos you take to your landlord (or property management company) on the same day, before moving in. This will create a digital, time-stamped record of your new apartment's condition. Save this email to its own folder in your email client, too, so that you can easily produce it at any time in the future.


