What Is The Right Height For A Bed?

Too soft, too firm, or too small — shopping for the right mattress can make you feel like Goldilocks. According to Harvard Health, back pain is the biggest reason for mobility loss with age, so a good mattress is vital for overall health and happiness. You may spend a lot of time browsing mattresses before buying one, but have you ever thought about how your bed may affect your sleep and comfort?  

One often overlooked aspect is the height of your bed. A bed that's too short can put pressure on your back and knees when you get up in the morning. At the same time, a bed that's too tall can be a struggle to climb into and even a safety concern if you fall out while sleeping. When finding the height of your bed, it's important to understand that every person's needs will be unique. The perfect bed height for you can vary based on age, size, mobility, and personal aesthetics. However, you can follow some general guidelines to ensure you're getting a good night's rest

From a practical standpoint

According to Sleep Authority, the ideal bed height for most people is about 25 inches from the floor to the top of the mattress. Of course, the perfect height for your bed can only be determined by you, so there are other factors to consider before you choose. One way to test the height is by sitting on the edge of the bed. When sitting with your feet on the floor, your knees should be at a 90-degree angle, in line with your hips. This is the ideal posture for getting in and out of bed without straining. If you're much taller or shorter than average, you may need to adjust the height of your bed. 

The Disability Rights Education & Defense Fund explains that older adults and people with limited mobility usually have the most comfort with a bed 20 to 23 inches tall. People who use wheelchairs may prefer a bed even lower to the ground, around 19 inches tall, making it easier to transfer from the wheelchair to the bed or floor. A standard 20 to 25-inch bed is usually safe and comfortable for children, but what about bunk beds and loft beds? Retailer Maxtrix Kids states that most children need at least 20 to 24 inches of space above their mattress to sit in bed. 

Thinking about aesthetics

Comfort is the most important aspect when choosing a bed, but most people want their bed to look nice as well. A tall bed looks regal, classic, and elegant, but low beds tend to look more modern. Recently, low-platform beds have become a popular trend in home design because they make the room look more spacious. Glamour Magazine commented on the trend, noting that low platform beds have been circulating all around social media and have become a minimalist's dream. . The hype is pretty easy to understand; people love the feeling of collapsing into their beds at the end of a long day!

The bed is probably the essential piece of furniture in your bedroom, but it may also help you pick out other pieces. Homelyville says your nightstand should be at least the same height as your bed but preferably 2 to 4 inches taller. For example, if your bed is 25 inches tall, your nightstand should be between 25 and 29 inches tall. This height difference makes it easy to reach out of bed to turn on the lamp or pick up a glass of water.