10 Pests That May Be Lurking In Your Garage And What To Do About Them

Your priority might be making sure your living space is pest-free. But, keep in mind that even in the cold weather, there may be pests lurking in your garage that you might not see. According to the Pest Authority, small pests look for warmth and shelter anywhere they can find it, making certain spots in your house prime targets. Your garage could be the ideal quarter for unseen and unwanted houseguests. To prepare your house for keeping pests out, first, seal any cracks or openings where pests can burrow in and hide, and make sure your weather stripping is intact all around the home. 


It's also important to do personal inspections and be sure to call a professional at the first sign of infestation. But pay close attention to the garage, as this can be an especially inviting place for certain pests. This list is certainly not exhaustive, but here are 10 pests that may be lurking in your garage.


Garages are notoriously home to spiders, no matter if you see them or not. According to Pest Control Zone, the most common spiders found in the garage are wolf spiders and cellar spiders. While you will see webs from cellar spiders in the corners near the ceilings, wolf spiders find nooks and crannies near the ground to hide. Wolf spiders don't spin webs like many others of their kind but come out at night to hunt their prey. Some other, more dangerous varieties like brown recluses and black widows can also be found in the garage, depending on your location.


Some tips for keeping spiders out of the garage include sealing any gaps or cracks with exterior caulk and keeping the space neat and organized. Spiders can squeeze into the smallest cracks, so use caulking or weather stripping where needed. If you prefer DIY measures, there are spider traps you can place in corners or wherever you see any activity. Keep in mind, these arachnids prey on other insects, so a few harmless ones might always be a bad thing. However, they can give you a scare when you're not expecting one, so getting rid of spiders might give you better peace of mind.

Pill bugs

Pill bugs, also commonly known as roly-poly bugs, can sometimes find shelter in the garage, especially during cold months (via Planet Natural). They usually only enter garages or homes accidentally, and thankfully, they're harmless and do not do any damage. Typically, they're found underneath leaves and rocks, and they like dark, damp places. That's because they eat decaying plant material, and interestingly they are not insects at all! They're actually called terrestrial crustaceans, like crabs, and have adapted to life on land, despite having gills. But with seven pairs of legs, they might creep you out a little.


But according to Angi, if you have them in your garage or home, it may be due to a moisture problem. These tiny crustaceans can't survive very long without water, so they look for moisture above all else. If you store firewood in the garage, this is another likely spot for pill bugs. Basements are a more common place to find them, but if you put a dehumidifier in the space, it will usually solve the problem. Diatomaceous earth is another option if they get really out of control.


You likely will know if your garage has crickets, due to the loud chirping they make. But according to Garage Transformed, these insects are more than just annoying and can cause extensive damage to your home, as well. They love to chew through common household materials like cardboard, wood, and drywall paper. So when these singing sensations invade your garage, you might actually have a serious problem. Especially when you add into the equation that crickets can carry salmonella and other diseases.


Most can both hop and fly, and they will get in any openings there may be, including windows, vents, and cracks. So sealing any and all cracks and openings from floor to ceiling can help prevent them from entering. Additionally, for cracks in the garage floor, you can apply a common household item like vaseline in them to prevent crickets from getting through. Soaking cotton balls in peppermint oil and stuffing them in the cracks or spraying the garage perimeter with peppermint spray can also deter them. These pests hate the smell, but it will need to be reapplied often.


You might not be aware, but silverfish are so resilient that they've been around for 400 million years, per Unity Home Group. They like damp, dark places like the garage, and can chew through materials and cause damage. They are otherwise harmless, but do reproduce quickly and can go for up to an entire year without eating. Things that can be damaged can be items you store in the garage, especially in boxes. Books and clothes are common targets, and these insects can be hard to spot since they typically come out only at night.


Additionally, silverfish are immune to most bug poisons, so they can be particularly difficult to get rid of. They love dust and clutter, so prevention begins here. This is one of the best ways to reduce the chances of a silverfish infestation. Like with pill bugs, silverfish like moisture, so running a dehumidifier in the garage can help control them. Keeping everything neat and clean will also help keep silverfish at bay.


According to Tomcat Brand, a common pest found in the garage is mice, and there are a few signs you can look for. For one thing, you may notice a smell similar to mildew or musk, and visible signs could include noticing a nest or shredded paper. At night, you might see one dart for cover when you turn on the light. Additionally, watch for droppings so you know whether it's mice or rats you need to control. Especially in colder months, mice and rats will both seek out shelter in the warmth of garages. If there's a food source in there, it'll be harder to get them out. However, if there's not, they will attempt to chew their way inside the house to get to the food.


In any case, these rodents are extremely destructive, and you'll want to get rid of mice as soon as possible. Remove food sources like pet food, garbage, or any type of animal or people food stored in the garage. Set traps or bait stations around in corners or where you know they're going. Mice can reproduce quickly in ideal living conditions like garages, so be sure to inspect the area regularly.

Ground beetles

Although ground beetles typically live underground (hence, the name), they can be attracted to the light of buildings and occasionally invade basements and garages (via Orkin). These beetles are usually black, and sometimes have an iridescence of color ranging from blue to copper. They have two sets of wings and three pairs of legs, and they are harmless to humans and homes. However, they can invade in large numbers, and no one wants a bunch of ground beetles in their garage!


These beetles get inside through cracks or openings and so sealing these is the first, best way to prevent them. Another piece of advice is to change the lighting around the garage from white to yellow bulbs and reduce the amount of leaves and mulch from around the outside. These beetles hide under rocks, wood, and other debris, so reducing their spots to hide will also reduce their number around the house.


One of the scariest pests commonly found in garages is snakes, though most are harmless to people (per Best Life Online). Certainly, no one wants to find one curled up on the front seat of their car, or behind a box stored in the garage. Whether they're poisonous or harmless really doesn't matter when you unexpectedly find one! They give you a start, and most people don't want them taking up residence in their garage. So how can you keep these reptiles out?


Keeping the area decluttered and reducing hiding spots is important, as well as keeping mice and other known prey of snakes out of the garage. Sealing up spots where they can get in is another important step. If you see their slithering tracks in the dust or spot any shedded skins around, you might have a problem. Especially in cold weather, they may seek out the shelter and warmth of your garage. Always be on the lookout, and call a professional if you see one, especially if you aren't sure whether it's poisonous or not.


Do you store pet food, grain, or seed in your garage? If so, you're going to be susceptible to ants and other pests in this space, per ExtermPRO. Ants are a common problem for homeowners and present a real issue due in part to their numbers. When you see one or a few meandering about, it's about guaranteed there are plenty more where they came from. Trash cans are another popular hangout for these common pests.


According to Pest Samurai, other than removing all food sources, you can place ant bait in areas you've seen them. Ants live in colonies, and although you might not be able to locate it, it's important the bait is carried back to it in order to eliminate the source. This way, you can eliminate the population and stop it from growing. Ant traps or bait is the best way to get rid of an existing problem, aside from calling a professional exterminator.


Another scary garage pest to worry about if you live in an area where they are native is scorpions. According to Magic Pest, not only do they love dark hiding places like your garage, but they're also dangerous if you get stung. You definitely don't want these pests moving into your house, because they are known to hide in spots like shoes in the closet or places where you're likely to get stung when you discover them. In the garage, they'll hide in dark corners, boxes, vehicles, or really anywhere dark and safe. And with scorpions, the smaller they are, the more deadly their venom. These pests can live for months without food or water, and can squeeze through a crack the width of a credit card!


Obviously, you'll want to get rid of scorpions in your garage if you suspect them. You can check for them with a black light, as they glow brightly in this illumination. This particular pest is dangerous and should only be attempted by a professional if you suspect they've gotten into the garage. To keep them from entering in the first place, keep the area sealed and reduce hiding places.


The dreaded termites can invade your house via the garage door, per Accent Garage Doors Utah. There's typically wood framing around this structure and door, as well. Termites are extremely destructive, and will quickly invade if not immediately stopped. Therefore, it's important to know the signs to look for. One way to discover damage before it appears is by tapping on the wood in varying spots around the perimeter. If any place sounds hollow, you might want to have an inspection done.


Look for the mud tunnels they make when burrowing into the house to the wood source. Also, they'll sometimes leave droppings that look like sawdust in the corners. Anywhere you see unexplained sawdust is suspect. According to Blue Sky Builders, these pests are often attracted to the garage due to unsealed wood and moisture found there. Because these particular pests can take years to show damage, it's important to check for them regularly and get rid of termites effectively. If you suspect termites in the garage, call a professional immediately.

