The Downsides Of Using Marble For Your Kitchen Sink

When curating your dream kitchen space, every detail needs to be intentional. In fact, one of the most important elements to be careful about in your kitchen is the sink. Keep in mind that as much as it should be functional, your kitchen sink also plays a significant role in the general aesthetics of the kitchen. It goes without saying that there are a plethora of options to pick from when it comes to choosing the right kitchen sink, but let's face it, it doesn't get any more luxurious than marble (via Dedalo). 

However, while this is true, marble sinks also come with their fair share of drawbacks that you must be aware of. Also, considering that marble is relatively more expensive than the alternatives, you want to ensure that it will be the right fit for your kitchen. Before you get blown away by the aesthetic appeal of this type of sink, take a look at the main downsides of marble.

Requires more maintenance

Although marble sinks look beautiful to the eye, they need to be babied quite a bit. You will need to put more effort into cleaning and maintenance just to retain the aesthetic appeal of your sink. To begin, marble is a naturally porous and absorbent stone; therefore, sealing the surface regularly is necessary to prevent staining. Marble can become easily discolored when exposed to liquids like oils, and in addition, the surface is also sensitive to acidic substances like vinegar. To test whether your marble sink needs sealing, Impression recommends pouring some water into it. If the water is immediately absorbed rather than beading, then it might need some sealing. 

Generally, marble surfaces and sinks should be sealed at least twice a year; however, taking good care of your sink immediately after installation will go a long way in keeping it looking beautiful for longer. It is also important to be mindful of the detergents you use to clean the sink. recommends soapless or neutral cleaners for marble sinks and countertops.

Marble is heavy

While marble is a strong natural material able to stand up to nature, it is also quite heavy compared to most sinks. Although this might seem like an advantage, it presents a different set of challenges regarding installation. You might want to call a professional to help you carefully install this heavy sink. Depending on the size of the particular sink, you might need more than two pairs of hands on deck. Professional installation will set you back between $250 to $800, according to Thumbtack

Keep in mind that installing the sink by yourself is possible, but you will need to be a seasoned DIYer, to say the least. But that is not all! Because of the weight of this type of sink, you will also need to make sure that your existing countertop doesn't buckle under such a heavy load. It is common for additional support to be installed in the cabinets underneath just to hold the sink up. For a smaller kitchen, such a heavy sink might not be ideal because of the sheer weight.