Check These Important Places In Your Home For Creepy-Critters

Pests are masters at finding new, elusive spots to call home, and that's because they've mastered the art of survival. The more we encroach on nature, the more our homes look like lovely places for them to bunk up in. Because we live side by side with birds, bugs, and beasties, it's only natural for something to occasionally slip into your home undetected. The fun part is figuring out how whatever it was got in and where its home base might be located.

Your home is your sanctuary, which is not typically meant to be geared toward wildlife. Whether dealing with bats in the attic, mice in the pantry, a solo-riding rat living in your wall, or water bugs in your shower, it's in your best interest and the uninvited guest's to make your home less hospitable.

That's why it's essential to first look at some of the more common spots these persistent creatures often relocate to. While you'll never be able to keep your home 100% critter-free, there are a few ways to prevent creepy crawlies from checking in on you. The same can be said for anything that slithers, soars, or shrieks loudly when it fights.

Bring a flashlight

It might seem obvious, but you are searching out creatures that are primarily active at night. So when it comes to warm-blooded varmints, it goes without saying that your garage, basement, and attic should be the first places to check out. If you have an elevated front porch, you'll need to inspect underneath for any possible access points. Your roof also offers an opportunity for home access by way of loose shingles, damaged vents, and even an uncovered chimney.

Other places creepy crawlies and critters like to hang out are spots with easy access to food, water, and darkness. That means your kitchen, especially cupboards and pantries, is fair game. Your bathroom may seem bright and inviting, but it's not immune to dark recesses and corners. While this isn't necessarily prime real estate for warm-blooded inhabitants, it's excellent for inviting bugs. This particular room of your house tends to stay warmer in the cooler months and vice versa. It also provides easy access to water, which can be scarce if you live in the wilderness.

How to keep critters at bay

Whether it be a mouse, bat, roach, or terrifying spider, we share our planet with other living creatures. Having uninvited houseguests is bound to happen, so don't give them a reason to check out your digs. First and foremost, seal up any obvious holes, cracks, or openings that might lead into your home. Vents can be covered with a metal mesh specifically designed to withstand chewing. Keep your yard clean and debris-free, and ensure your trash cans are securely closed. Never use poison or glue traps because whatever is caught in them suffers a slow, torturous death. Both methods are highly inhumane, can hurt the environment, and are hazardous to humans. Talk to an animal control professional instead of an exterminator when in doubt.

Keep in mind that these uninvited guests are more afraid of you than you are of them. That's why critters and creepers move so quickly or hide. If a creature has taken up residence for a little longer than you can stand, it's probably because it couldn't find a way out and is just trying to survive. Even if it's frightening you, the best way to approach this scenario is with a compassionate view, not with a deadly weapon.