The Simple Nail Polish Remover Trick For Removing Super Glue

Super glue is a useful tool for crafts, DIY projects, and simple home repairs, but it can also lead to some very unpleasant, sticky situations. And because super glue lives up to its name, you might find yourself "stuck" with a problem rather quickly. From getting your fingers stuck together to a spot of glue on your beautiful wood table to even getting some stuck on your favorite clothes — and nothing seems to help remove it. Nothing, that is, until you try using some nail polish remover.


That's right, look no further than your bathroom cabinet for a solution to your super-glue woes. Nail polish remover, it turns out, can remove more than nail polish, as the pungent liquid can also help you remove the toughest, stickiest bits of glue from almost anything (including the non-twisting cap stuck on the tube of super glue from its last use). And what's more, it doesn't take much nail polish remover to do the trick.

How to remove super glue with nail polish remover

So, you've gotten your fingers stuck together while fixing your favorite vase that shattered this morning, or you find your child has been playing with the tube of super glue and now has their hand glued to their leg. Don't panic, because with some acetone-based nail polish remover, you can fix these problems in no time.


To do so, simply take a cotton ball, soak it with nail polish remover, and apply it to the unwanted glue. Note, make sure the polish remover contains acetone, as this is what will dissolve the adhesive; plus, it's safe to use on skin. This trick also works for removing the cap from the super glue tube or any other plastic that's gotten a bit too sticky.

If one application of nail polish remover doesn't work, don't fret — simply repeat the process until the glue is gone, and make sure to fully saturate the cotton ball before application. Though nail polish remover is relatively safe, it does contain chemicals that shouldn't be inhaled, so it's best to be in a ventilated space. It's also important to note that acetone is flammable, so be sure to stay away from candles or any other source of flame.


Removing super glue from wood, fabrics, and countertops

While nail polish remover is a perfect trick for getting super glue off your skin, it's not the best for some other surfaces, as it could damage the finish on wood or countertops. Nail polish remover is usually colorful, and the added dyes can stain fabrics. In these cases, pure acetone, which has no color, is the best option, but the process looks a little different.


For wood and countertops, soak a cotton ball in acetone, but instead of applying it liberally to the surface, simply dab the spot of glue for several seconds. Once the glue loosens a bit, use a plastic knife (a putty knife or plastic spatula should work well) to gently scrape the glue off. This will leave your beautiful oak table or granite countertops unharmed.

Fabrics, like clothes or upholstery, are delicate, so it's good to be careful and use acetone sparingly. (Also note that acetone shouldn't be used on natural fabrics, such as wool or silk.) To clean fabrics of super glue, lightly dab the cotton ball onto the spot of glue until it starts to come off, but be careful not to get too much of the liquid on the fabric. If you're really worried about stains, you can also try applying mineral oil to the inside of the fabric and carefully pulling the glue off.


No matter how stuck the super glue is, nail polish remover and acetone will be your new go-to tools to quickly remove the glue and get back to your next project.

