Throw Epsom Salt In Your Washer For Beautiful Smelling Clothes

Freshly laundered clothes have a lingering scent that envelopes our garments and can make us feel invigorated, confident, and even nostalgic. While commercial laundry products offer an array of scent boosters, they often come with a hefty price tag and a list of synthetic ingredients that may not align with our desire for natural alternatives. This is where Epsom salt, a versatile and affordable household staple, comes to the rescue.

Epsom salt, or magnesium sulfate, is not just for relaxing baths and muscle-soothing foot soaks. Beyond its physical and mental health benefits, it possesses properties that can enhance your laundry experience in a simple and eco-friendly manner. One beneficial aspect of Epsom salt is its ability to eliminate odors. Additionally, it acts as a fabric softener, making your garments feel luxurious and gentle against your skin. And if you're looking to brighten up those whites, Epsom salt can help with that, too.

Using Epsom salt in the washer

Start with unscented, pure Epsom salt without added fragrances or dyes. Next, prepare your washing machine as usual for a regular laundry load. Sort your clothes by color and fabric type, and add the appropriate amount of detergent. Then, allow the Epsom salt to dissolve in water before adding it to the detergent dispenser. The recommended amount is typically around ½ a cup per regular-sized load, but you can adjust this based on personal preference or load size. Run the wash cycle as usual, and let the salt work its magic. 

Be sure to consult your washing machine's manufacturer guidelines for specific recommendations or limitations. While Epsom salt is generally safe to use in your washer, there are a few precautions to consider. For instance, while it is suitable for most fabrics, it's still important to consider the specific care instructions for delicate items or clothing with special requirements. Some delicate fabrics may benefit from alternative laundry practices, so be cautious when washing these items.

Make a fragrance booster

Creating homemade scent boosters with Epsom salt is a simple and satisfying way to elevate your laundry routine. You can enjoy a personalized and long-lasting scent experience by infusing your clothes with delightful fragrances. To make your own scent boosters, choose an essential oil that aligns with your preferences and desired scents, such as lavender for a calming aroma or citrus for a refreshing scent. In a mixing bowl, combine the desired amount of Epsom salt with several drops of essential oil. Mix well until the essential oil is evenly distributed throughout the salt. 

Transfer the mixture into an airtight container for proper storage. To use the scent booster, add 1 or 2 tablespoons to the dispenser along with your regular detergent. It is a budget-friendly option compared to purchasing commercial scent boosters, and it allows you to reduce your reliance on synthetic chemicals and packaging waste. Natural ingredients like Epsom salt and essential oils will enable you to enjoy a fragrant laundry experience while being mindful of the environment.

Clean your machine

Not only can Epsom salt boost your laundry, but it can also help your washer stay fresh and clean. Over time, washing machines can accumulate dirt, grime, and odors that may affect the cleanliness of your laundry. A mixture of Epsom salt and white vinegar is a powerful and natural cleaning solution for your washer. Mix 1 cup of Epsom salt into 1 quart of white vinegar, pour the mixture into the washing machine drum, and run a hot water cycle with the highest water level setting. Combining Epsom salt and white vinegar will help break down dirt, grime, and any lingering odors in the drum.

While the machine is running, use a clean cloth dipped in the Epsom salt and vinegar solution and wipe down the exterior surfaces. Pay attention to any areas that may have accumulated dirt or stains. Once the cleaning cycle is complete, run an additional rinse cycle with plain water to ensure that all the cleaning solution and residue are thoroughly removed. Then, wipe down the interior of the drum and the exterior surfaces of the machine with a clean, dry cloth.

Precautions and considerations

While Epsom salt is generally safe and beneficial for laundry use, there are a few precautions to keep in mind to ensure the best results and avoid any potential issues. For instance, if you have any known allergies or sensitivities to magnesium sulfate, avoiding using Epsom salt in your laundry is advisable. If you experience any adverse reactions, such as skin irritation or respiratory issues, discontinue use immediately and consult a healthcare professional, per Everyday Health. Epsom salt should be stored in a secure location that is out of reach of children. In case of accidental ingestion, contact the poison control center or seek medical attention immediately, per Missouri Poison Center

If you live in an area with hard water, which contains high levels of minerals like calcium and magnesium, the minerals present can interfere with the effectiveness of Epsom salt. Dissolving it in water before adding it to your laundry can prevent undissolved salt from clumping or leaving residue on your clothes.