The Best Time Of Day To Water Your Houseplants

Houseplants don't seem like they'd take all that much work. After all, they just need water, light, and a little soil change every now and then, and you don't even have to weed them, right? But actually, our green-potted friends can be quite high maintenance, and little things like when you choose to water them can make a huge impact on your plant's health. 

Undoubtedly, the best time to water your houseplants is in the morning. Not only does it give plants plenty of time to drink up before the hottest point of the day (especially important in the summer), but it also helps them to drain and absorb more efficiently. Watering at night, for instance, can lead to bacterial growth and root rot because the plant doesn't have adequate time in the sun after getting soaked. So before you make your way out the door for the day, give your plants their dose of water. 

Tips to start watering in the morning

If you're a creature of habit and only seem to remember to water your plants just before bed or right after you're home from work, it's helpful to create a system that will help you move to morning watering. Setting a daily alarm on your phone can be helpful, but keep in mind that plants tend to have various needs, and some need less water, less often than others. To help keep things straight, consider getting a plant care app such as Planta — these helpful tools allow you to get care tips for your specific plants, and give you notifications about watering, as well as when to fertilize, repot, and clean your plant. 

If you're still struggling to add another thing to your morning to-do list, it may be time to get an automatic waterer. These are not to be confused with the glass watering bulbs, which lack the ability to control when the water disperses. Automatic waterers are connected to wi-fi and have an accompanying app that you can control remotely from your smart phone. 

Give plants a proper water

As we said before, each plant has its own specific care needs, but there are some general tips for watering effectively. First, in addition to watering in the morning, you also need to consider the rate you're pouring water. Especially if you're in a rush, it's tempting to just flood the top level of the soil, but this just causes a small flood and won't reach the bottom of the roots, which means the plant isn't adequately hydrated. That doesn't mean you need the plant to be soaked at all times, because that will lead to root rot. Instead, aim to spend at least 30 seconds watering the entirety of the soil, slowly so that it can evenly distribute into the root system, and top up as regularly 

Also, be sure to pour directly onto the soil. It's okay if leaves catch a little bit of the water, so long as it's able to evaporate off throughout the day. If you submerge leaves or leave them wet for periods of time, the plant can develop fungus. And finally, perhaps most importantly, take note of your plants throughout the day. More mature plants may require more water than younger ones, and other factors such as sunlight and soil can impact how and when you need to water an individual plant.