Experts Are Applauding Mindy Kaling's Storage-Savvy Kitchen Cabinets

Not only is renowned actress and comedian Mindy Kaling used to shining bright in Hollywood, but she also does so in her own kitchen. "The Office" star often brightens our day by sharing her favorite recipes and other details of her life in her Los Angeles home on Instagram. Those who appreciate good home design couldn't help but notice something that Kaling was indirectly showing off in one of her videos: her brilliant kitchen cabinet layout that's being praised by experts.

We got a sneak peek of Kaling's kitchen in an Instagram video of her explaining a recipe from her "A Wrinkle in Time" co-star Oprah Winfrey. The cabinets are only seen in the background of the video, but we know genius when we see it. From maximizing space to incorporating smart storage ideas, Kaling's kitchen layout serves as an inspiration for those looking to enhance both functionality and aesthetics in their own homes.

The above-the-hood and double-stacked cabinet hack

The standout feature in Mindy Kaling's kitchen is the installation of vertical cabinets above her cooker hood. While often overlooked, the space around the hood can be optimized for additional storage without compromising on style.

"I can't stress enough the importance of tall cabinet storage in the kitchen. It's a game-changer, especially when placed above the cooker or cooker hood. The reason is simple — it's all about maximizing space and functionality," home improvement expert Forrest McCall tells Homes & Gardens.

Besides using above-the-hood cabinets, another clever design Kaling uses is double-stacked cabinets. By pairing one cabinet on top of another next to the hood, Kaling has effectively maximized storage potential in limited wall space. This is another design choice that encourages us to think outside the box when it comes to utilizing our own kitchen cabinets. McCall emphasizes that it's crucial to consider smart storage solutions rather than just focusing on storage quantity.

How to create smart storage in your kitchen

Mindy Kaling's cabinets serve as excellent examples of efficient storage principles that can be applied to the cabinets in your own kitchen. To recreate this clever storage solution in your own home, consider placing cabinets in uncommon areas or spaces that aren't easily accessible and modifying these storage cubbies so that they can be more easily accessible.

Forrest McCall suggests installing vertical rollout drawers inside cabinets to convert half-empty spaces into high-capacity storage units. This customizable solution allows for organized storage based on item height, ensuring easy accessibility in these less-used areas. Rollout shelving can even be added to your other cabinets on lower levels for maximum efficiency.

"This saves on food waste as you will always be able to see what you have available in your food storage and allow you to have easy access to your pots and pans. No one likes getting on their hands and knees to dig through cupboards," kitchen designer Jessica Mac Adams adds.