Bring Your Matted Carpet Back To Life With An Unexpected Bathroom Staple

A nice-looking carpet or rug can bring a room to life and round up the whole decor. However, a flat and matted one can do precisely the opposite, making any room look messy, old, and sometimes even dirty. Unfortunately, all carpets and rugs tend to get worn out and flat over time due to high-traffic or heavy objects, and calling a professional to fix a worn carpet can be costly.

Thankfully, there's a way to bring any carpet or rug back to life using something you probably already have in your bathroom cabinet: your hairdryer. With this trick, you can stop hiding your carpet's dents or flat areas by putting furniture on top. Using a bit of heat is a great way to fluff up a carpet that looks like it has seen better days. This bathroom staple will help you fix almost any matted-looking carpet or rug you have lying around.

If you suffer from this issue and want to be proud of having fluffy, soft, nice-looking carpets instead of matted and flat ones, continue reading to learn how to use your hairdryer to help you.

Back to life in simple steps

It's normal for mats, rugs, and carpets to get worn out with time. However, fixing minor dents and recovering your carpet's flat areas is pretty easy with your hair dryer. To fluff up a matted area, you'll have to use your hair dryer as you would on your hair: damp, apply heat, and comb the fibers.

First, apply some water to the matted rug area, enough for the area to get damp but not wet. Then, turn the hair dryer on its lowest setting and hold it over the area at 2 or 3 inches to avoid overheating and damaging the fibers. After that, use your fingers like a comb and pass your hand across the area until it has dried and fluffed up. Repeat the process as many times as necessary until the dent or flatness has gone. Consider vacuuming after to finish it and give the area a clean feel.

Tips to keep your carpets looking good

Matted rugs and carpets can be hard to prevent. However, there are many tips that can help you avoid this issue and help keep your carpets looking as good as the first day. It's advisable to steer clear of fluffy carpets or any rug made from polyester. Ultimately, choosing the right carpet type to use in high-traffic areas of your house is the best way to prevent your rooms from looking old and dull because of matting.

Another way to keep your carpets looking fresh is to change your furniture layout every few months to avoid the weight of the stuff from flattening and creating indents on your carpet. Doing it will make your house feel like new each time. In addition, avoid your carpets and rugs from heavy soiling by removing all shoes before entering the area and cleaning your pets' paws. This will keep your carpets cleaner for longer.

Remember to vacuum your carpets and rugs once or twice a week, deep clean them every few months, and use your hair dryer when needed to keep them in peak conditions; these little tips will help you keep your mats looking fresh for as long as possible.