Keep Snakes Out Of Your Garden With Two Common Kitchen Ingredients

Snakes are fascinating creatures that play an essential role in the ecosystem, but having them slithering around in your garden can be unnerving and potentially dangerous. Instead of resorting to harmful chemicals or inhumane methods, you can use natural ways to deter snakes from taking up residence on your property — onion and garlic are two common kitchen ingredients that can deter snakes, making them choose alternative habitats away from your garden without causing them harm.

Be sure to take a responsible approach when using garlic and onion as a snake repellent. Some people have allergies or are sensitive to these ingredients, which can be severe, notes NY Allergy and Sinus Centers. If anyone in your household is allergic to garlic and onions, it's best to avoid using them altogether. Moreover, the ingredients can be toxic to cats and dogs, so apply the repellent in areas that pets can't access or choose pet-safe alternatives. 

How to use garlic and onion

Snakes are sensitive to strong odors, and both garlic and onion possess compounds that emit a scent that snakes find unpleasant and tend to avoid. By boiling garlic and onions, you can create a potent mixture that deters the creatures from slithering into your garden. To prepare the repellent, chop a few garlic cloves and half of an onion into small pieces, boil for five minutes, and let the mixture sit for a few hours. Afterward, strain the liquid and transfer it into a spray bottle, making applying the repellent around your garden easy. Alternatively, mix chopped raw onion and garlic with rock salt and sprinkle it around your yard.

For better results with the garlic and onion repellent, try combining it with other preventative measures. Create an uninviting environment for snakes by keeping your garden neat and tidy. Remove debris and potential hiding spots like rock piles and overgrown vegetation. Be mindful of your garden's surroundings, especially if there are bodies of water or fields nearby, as they could be habitats for snakes.