Put Your Can Of Spray Paint In Hot Water Before Painting And Thank Us Later

Spray paint can be a lifesaver when it comes to DIY projects. It doesn't require a brush, can adhere to a variety of surface types, and comes in a lot of great finishes, from matte to satin, and metallic to glitter. But spray paint application can be a total hit or miss. One of the biggest issues that folks face with spray paint is that it can come out really unevenly due to improperly mixed paint. Luckily, there's an easy way to remedy this. 

Spray paint, like any paint, separates over time. That's why they come equipped with what's known as a pea, which is a ball bearing that helps the paint mixture to essentially emulsify back together. But that doesn't take care of the problem entirely. That's because in addition to being shaken, it's important that the spray paint itself is also slightly warm. To warm your spray paint can safely, you just put the can in warm water and you won't have to worry about uneven, separated paint coats again. 

Warm water and time does all the work

Think about cooking — it's almost always easier to combine ingredients when they are warmer, even if they're just slightly above room temperature. The same is true for spray paint. But how can you warm a metal can without burning yourself or getting majorly electrocuted? You're just going to heat the can the same way you would a baby bottle; submerge it in hot water. 

To do so, get a container that your spray paint can fit in completely. If you don't have one, just fill up your sink with hot water. It should be hot to the touch but not scalding. From there, you can run warm water over the can, but to save water and money on your utility bill, just turn it over in the water so it's heated thoroughly and you don't end up with cold spots. Allow it to sit in the water for a few minutes, but be sure to remove it before the water starts to cool. Then give the paint can a good rattle to further combine and agitate the paint, and your spray paint should go on in smooth, even coats. If your paint can becomes cold to the touch, it's time to give it another dunk in the hot water.