The Unexpected Use Baby Powder Will Serve For Pool Owners

Pools come with a lot of maintenance, but it doesn't just stop with the pool itself. Sure, you have to clean the water, watch chlorine levels, and ensure everything is running efficiently. But you also have to maintain your pool toys, too. While it's simple enough to spray your donuts and inflatable unicorns with soap and water, pool owners often find that storing them afterward is the tricky part. Not everyone has enough room in their garage or garden shed to store their pool floats while inflated, so they remove the air out of them. But the downside to that is that they usually end up sticking together. However, baby powder can help.


Most inflatables are made from PVC, and when exposed to UV rays in long bouts, the plastic wears down and becomes tacky. That can spell disaster for the toys when you store them since they will stick together when placed next to each other in a bin or shelf. Peeling them apart can cause rips, rendering them useless for the pool day you had planned with your friends or kids. However, you can easily avoid that scenario with a little bit of baby powder. Here's how.

How to use baby powder on pool floaties

If you're worried about your floatie collection ripping, all you need to do is have some baby powder handy when you're putting things away. To do so, first, you want to clean and dry your pool toys. Once the suds have been washed away and the water sufficiently dried, you can deflate your collection. This is where the baby powder comes in. Once you have them flat on the pavement, sprinkle a thin layer of baby powder all over the floaties and toys. 


This will absorb any lingering moisture and reduce the stickiness of the plastic. It will prevent them from sticking together, allowing you to separate them later without worrying about creating rips or holes. The great news is that this hack also works on other pool items, such as pool covers and even inflatable pools. Follow the same directions and add a layer of baby powder over the items before rolling them up. They should be in pristine condition when you unfurl them next.

