Ward Off Roly-Poly Bugs For Good With One Totally Unexpected Cooking Staple

Roly-poly bug, a.k.a. pillbugs or sowbugs, might have seemed interesting as kids when we spotted them outdoors in their natural habitat. But that flies out the window as adults when they're scurrying across our bathroom floors or other places in our homes. The good news is that you won't have to fill your home with the scent of chemicals to get rid of them. The ingredients for making a natural roly-poly repellent are already in your kitchen. Just grab a clove of garlic and say goodbye to these unwelcome pests.


Thankfully, roly-poly bugs, which aren't insects at all but land-loving crustaceans, aren't harmful to humans. They won't infect your food with contaminants or diseases. They are more of a nuisance, if anything.  They just want to hang out in dark, moist places in your home so they don't dry up and die. Roly-pollies typically enter the home through thresholds like sliding doors and windows. These tiny critters typically perish within a few days of being inside when they can't find moisture or food. If you don't want them to make a habit of this, you'll want to use this garlic solution in your home to get rid of them. 

How to make your garlic roly-poly deterent

To make your anti-roly-poly mixture, you'll want to crush up one tablespoon's worth of garlic. When garlic is crushed, a chemical reaction occurs between its inner and outer cell wall layers, producing a noxious scent. This is what gives this bug deterrent its potency. Since roly-pollies have heightened olfactory abilities, that little bit of garlic is enough to send them running. Pour a quart of water into a spray and sprinkle your crushed garlic inside. Shake up the bottle so it mixes well. Spray a mist of the garlic concoction on any infected areas in your home. Roly-poly bugs will typically invade below-ground or ground-level areas like basements, crawl spaces, bathrooms, and sometimes the kitchen.


You want to spray in areas already damp since these critters will be seeking out water to keep their shells wet. You can even spray in areas where they enter your home,which includes vents and foundation cracks. The garlic spray will create a barrier that roly-poly's will not want to cross. This barrier will hold up even in areas where the spray has dried.

