Keep Hungry Rabbits Out Of Your Garden With A Common Household Essential

Rabbits are perhaps the cutest mammals, and you might consider their velvety ears and dramatic nose twitches adorable, but they can be a nuisance if they gain entry to your garden. Hungry bunnies will happily munch on your landscape and other food crops. They may even destroy low-lying shrubs, flowers, and trees, essentially damaging all your hard work. Additionally, their sharp teeth and munching habits might lead them to attack your outdoor furniture as well. So, it's essential to take steps to keep them out of your beloved garden. Fortunately, a common household product — baby powder— can help you deter rabbits from ruining your crops and flowers.


This baby powder hack is inexpensive and more humane than other methods to keep bunnies out of your garden. For instance, it's cheaper than building a fence, not to mention less time and effort-intensive. Additionally, it's better than capturing or injuring bunnies using traps. Better yet, baby powder is readily available, so you can easily keep a bottle around when gardening.

Use baby powder to deter rabbits

Arm yourself with a bottle of baby powder and walk out to your garden. Now, sprinkle the talcum on and around your low-lying crops, shrubs, and flowers to deter hungry bunnies from snacking on them and returning for seconds. This hack works since rabbits have a keen sense of smell, and when they can't smell your delicious plants and flowers any longer or the smell seems off somehow, they won't be interested in gracing your garden with their visit. Moreover, they don't appreciate the taste of powder as seasoning on their food. In case you don't have baby powder handy, you can substitute it with regular talcum powder to deter rabbits.


However, this hack is a short-term solution at best since both baby and talcum powders are light, they'll easily get carried away by the wind. Their granular texture doesn't help matters, either. Further, they'll get washed away when you water your plants and flowers or the skies open up. So you'll be stuck repeatedly applying them to give them a fighting chance against hungry rabbits.

