The Controversial Bathroom Design Trend That Should Be Left In The Past

Although you may not spend a lot of time thinking about your toilet, you should probably be aware of the fact that there's one controversial bathroom trend related to this fixture that you might want to leave in the past. Along with the toilet lid and toilet seat, you may also have a toilet lid cover. If you do, then you might want to go ahead and get rid of it because toilet lid covers are pretty darn passé.

There's no doubt that toilet lid covers were popular in the past. Frankly, carpet-like covers hit the mainstream back in the '70s and came in all kinds of textures — from fuzzy to shaggy — and a range of (now-retro) colors. A little more recently, festive toilet lid covers became an arguably strange way to mark the season. Think along the lines of a knitted jack-o'-lantern lid cover for Halloween and a plush cover adorned with a holly jolly elf for those who celebrate Christmas.

However, nowadays, you might think this particular bathroom décor is somewhat old-school and even tacky. You definitely wouldn't be alone in thinking so. Frankly, not only are toilet lid covers out of style but there's another factor that can make them look embarrassingly old.

Toilet lid covers are ineffective and unattractive

Whether they happen to be stylish or not at the moment, toilet lid covers do have a few practical purposes. Along with protecting the lid from becoming damaged or causing damage when it accidentally falls (hard onto the toilet seat), a toilet lid cover can also keep the seat warm when the lid is kept down between uses. Obviously, this is a nice perk for your tush or anyone who sits on the toilet. However, this is also the reason why your toilet lid cover could end up being something you should ultimately ditch.

When you use your toilet again and again (as one does), the cover on the lid will become worn. If the cover is meant to be plush, then it'll likely lose its puffiness over time. If it's supposed to be fluffy, then it'll probably lose its fuzz. If the cover was originally made of a thick fabric, then the material will surely become thinner as time passes. When any or all of these things happen, the toilet lid cover will no longer be effective and won't keep your toilet seat warm.

At the same time, as the toilet lid cover becomes worn, it'll also start to look old (to go along with looking dated). In fact, it might end up looking downright dingy and nasty even if washed regularly. Given these various cons, it might be time to say goodbye to your toilet lid cover and outright ditch this controversial bathroom trend.