The Trendy, Easy To Care For Houseplant You Need To Liven Up Any Space

Rumored to be named after the very famous Hermès Birkin bag (sadly, it isn't), the Philodendron Birkin (commonly known as the white wave plant) has been making waves among homeowners seeking houseplants that are easy to care for. Due to an unstable chimeric mutation of the Philodendron Rojo Congo plant, this evergreen perennial is renowned for its pinstriped white or creamy patterns on its green leaves. While the initial growth is white, the heart-shaped leaves eventually grow dark yet retain streaks of white-patterned veins, making them an alluring houseplant choice. Some Birkins may even develop red patches, signaling the reversion of the plant to its original cultivar variety.

However, striking variegation isn't the only positive to growing Birkin, even though it should suffice given its long life. Like its fellow philodendron varieties, the white wave improves indoor air quality by removing toxins, including formaldehyde. Moreover, it only matures to around 3 feet tall, so it can be grown easily in compact homes. Its minimal growth requirements are an added bonus, especially if you are new to indoor cultivation.

Caring for the Philodendron Birkin

What truly makes cultivating a Philodendron Birkin a joyous exercise, apart from its glowing appearance, is its minimal care requirements. While sharing an affection for indirect or filtered light, these hardy plants can survive in any room, even in windowless offices, as long as they are exposed to 12 hours of artificial light. Having said that, placing them on east or west-facing window sills works best because the light is intense enough to promote growth without causing scorching. However, you must rotate the philodendron from time to time to promote even sun exposure and prevent fading of the variegation.

Moreover, watering these tropical beauties is a breeze, as you should only do so when the potted soil's top layers dry out. To achieve quality results, you must ensure that your white wave gets the right humidity amount, and typically around 50% is best. You can optimize the moisture levels by misting the leaves once a day or placing a humidifier near them. Additionally, you must plant Birkins in potting mixes containing perlite and orchid bark to ensure adequate aeration and drainage.

Benefits of cultivating Philodendron Birkin

The charm of a Birkin lies in its creamy, striped green foliage, which adds visual interest to your home and office's décor. Some even venture that by bringing nature indoors, this plant can reduce stress and improve productivity. Philodendrons can also be placed on your patio deck to add a tropical touch. Besides, these slow-growing plants are fragrance-free, making them the ideal choice for fragrance-sensitive homeowners.

Moreover, white waves remove toxins such as benzene, formaldehyde, and xylene from the air, making them particularly suitable for heavily-used spaces like the bedroom or family room. Their humidity-loving characteristic comes in handy as a bathroom placement, as they beautify the décor while benefiting from the added moisture. Finally, being low-maintenance, they are a good choice for amateur gardeners or individuals leading busy lifestyles. Their self-heading nature and ability to maintain a self-supporting stem without any pruning makes them especially easy to grow. However, ensure that your kids and pets steer clear of these houseplants, as they are toxic when consumed.