The Clever Way The Property Brothers Prevent Funky Home Odors From Spreading

The Property Brothers — as home design celebrities Drew and Jonathan Scott are called thanks to their popular HGTV show of the same name — are known for their clever and innovative design ideas for the home. Whether it's a kitchen cabinet remodel or simply some advice on paint colors, the Property Brothers know how to improve not just the look but the functionality of your home. They can even help you contain unwelcome odors and keep them from spreading. On an episode of "Property Brothers: Forever Home" in 2020, Drew and Jonathan were tasked with exactly that as a family of bike enthusiasts had converted their living room into a training and storage space. Their bikes and other exercise equipment tended to get dirty and pungent, so the twin designers found a way to close that off. The solution the twins came up with — barn doors.

As a style trend, barn doors have a lot of staying power. Not only do they look good in almost any environment, they offer a lot of valuable functionality, particularly with regard to tight spaces. One thing the Property Brothers often stress is how functionality shouldn't be overlooked in favor of design. In fact, Drew says they "always try to give function along with style to homeowners," via BestLife. This is an important factor that amateur designers and DIYers should adhere to as well, making sure that above all your space is serving you and not the other way around.

Add barn doors to close off sounds and smells from the rest of the house

In order to keep loud noises and funky odors originating in your workout areas from permeating through the rest of the house, the Property Brothers recommend using barn doors to close off the space. The client is impressed with the choice, saying "I love it. ... That's going to keep the sound in there and the smell from the kids in there as well," per Realtor. Barn doors are a stylish addition to your room, adding both a rustic and a modern feel, they are also easy to leave closed, partially open, or fully open without taking up any of your floor space.

In terms of functionality and design aesthetic, barn doors check both boxes. They're instantly an architectural feature, adding interest to the room, and depending on their hardware and color, can create a bold look, a muted one, or anything in between. Plus, when they're closed, they insulate the house against whatever's on the other side while not looking inaccessible. Whether it's a smelly workout space or just a kid's messy playroom, closing off the area with stylish barn doors hides what needs to be hidden and looks great doing it. Whichever style you choose, though, "It's important that your home is a reflection of your personality," Jonathan says, (per Bestlife). Choose styles, colors, and features that speak to you, and your design will never go wrong.