What Time Of Year Is Best If You're Buying A New Refrigerator?

Although you can't always predict when you'll need to replace a major appliance, if your refrigerator's on its last legs and starting to lose its cool, replacing it is likely a top priority. As you research, you might be able to take advantage of some predictable yearly pricing cycles by carefully planning your purchase. Refrigerators actually work on a slightly different sales cycle than other major appliances, but usually, the best time of year to get a new full-sized fridge is the month of May.


"May is Maytag Month" is the yearly rebate and discount time for the well-known appliance company and that means refrigerator prices are greatly reduced. Another opportunity for a good deal is the first quarter of the year. Refrigerator brands often release their new models in the springtime, so to make room, they'll clear out space by putting older models on sale by offering discounts from January through March.

When are other good refrigerator purchasing times?

You know those delicious Mondays you get to take off from work a few times a year? Some of those national holidays, though not all, are perfect for refrigerator hunting. Within that first-quarter sales period, pay special attention to President's Day for some juicy sales. It lands on the third Monday of February in the U.S.


If you can step away from the celebrations for a minute, the Fourth of July is another swell time to look. So is Labor Day, which is celebrated on the first Monday of September, and the big box stores reliably offer discounts for fridges at that time. However, we won't recommend Black Friday, the massive sales event on the day after Thanksgiving. Although it's the official kickoff for holiday shopping and you might find excellent savings, they likely won't be on refrigerators. Instead, retailers focus on smaller items (though this could include mini-fridges). 

For an extra boost on a great deal, consider asking to purchase a floor model. It might have a cosmetic scratch or two, but that could get you an extra 10% to 20% off above an already stellar price. Or, if you have the ability to pick it up and install it on your own, ask if that can shave some off the grand total.


