Chip Gaines Makes A Case For Leaving Wood Floors Natural (Put That Stain Away)

Hardwood flooring remains a staple in American homes as a durable choice that can be stained in a wide array of colors. Not everyone likes a lot of color changes when it comes to adding finishes to flooring, though, and "Fixer Upper" star Chip Gaines definitely falls into that camp. Known for his renovating prowess, alongside his wife and longtime co-star Joanna Gaines, he prefers to let the natural beauty of wood floors shine without a lot of muss and fuss.

"Flooring runs in the family, my dad and mom own a flooring company. For me, there's something about hardwood floor that does something to my soul, in a positive way," he explained in the Discovery+ special, "Breaking New Ground: Expanding the Silos" (via Southern Living). Chip made his preference for embracing the natural beauty of wood flooring clearer by stating, "I see those natural hardwood floors and my heart jumps out of my chest." 

The reality star continued, "Don't put too much makeup on those babies, let's just let 'em fly." However, just because that's his personal preference doesn't mean that Joanna always agrees (and she's been known to win the stain or not to stain battle!).

Why Chip Gaines often gives in to his wife when it comes to applying floor stains

Chip and Joanna Gaines work wonderfully together to bring new life to old properties. Every now and then, though, they're at odds when it comes to staining hardwood flooring. In the "Breaking New Ground: Expanding the Silos" special, when pine flooring was being installed in The Old Church, which the couple moved to the Silos, Chip wanted to keep the natural look of the wood, which he found to be profoundly beautiful. 

But, as Joanna pointed out, the floors would look better stained a darker color that complemented the surrounding pews. She ultimately convinced him, proving in the process that leaving wood flooring natural isn't always the right choice. After all, Joanna knows which colors work best together when it comes to the respective skill sets of this powerhouse duo. The Gaines disagreed on stain colors again in "Fixer Upper: The Castle." 

"I prefer light, but you always prefer dark," Chip acknowledged, per Realtor, to which Joanna countered, "When you walk down here, all of these walls are dark wood. If I step into a space and all the walls are dark and the floor is light, it's like, it makes my heart feel upside down." So, while Chip might be passionate about not staining wood flooring, there are times when he relents, trusting Joanna's vision for a project so it can come together looking its best.