The Budget-Friendly, Chemical-Free Cleaning Product That Will Leave Your Kitchen Sparkling

If you like your kitchen to look so clean it gleams, you've probably tried out your fair share of cleaning products. However, many products contain harsh chemicals that could cause damage to your kitchen surfaces and cookware in the long term. If this sounds like you, it might be time to put away the chemicals for something a little less abrasive — enter Bon Ami. Free of chemicals and any added fragrance, the powder-based product is inexpensive yet effective, and won't leave any scratches or marks on most hard kitchen areas.

With a name that literally means "good friend," the understated cleaning product has been around for a long time, having launched in 1886, and was even approved by domestic goddess Martha Stewart for use in the kitchen. Moreover, both Saudia Davis of GreenHouse Eco-Cleaning and Cindy DiPrima, co-founder of CAP Beauty, recommended it to The Strategist as a must-have natural cleaning product, citing the simplicity of its ingredients and its effectiveness on several different surfaces. 

The multipurpose product is an ideal option if you want something more natural

The way to best clean your kitchen with Bon Ami is to wet the surface you're cleaning (this also applies to objects) and scatter a handful of the Bon Ami powder. You can leave it to sit for a few minutes if there's a specific mark you want to get rid of, or grab a clean damp cloth/sponge and scrub away. Use another cloth to wipe away all remnants of the powder to reveal a beautifully clean surface. You can repeat this process all over your kitchen, including on items like your kitchen faucet and your tea or coffee pot.

You should use Bon Ami slightly differently for stains that have set in on your cookware or bakeware, even enamel dishes. Rather than wiping away the powder when you have sprinkled it, make a paste using water and place over the stain. Leave the solution to sink into the dish for around 30 minutes and then scrub thoroughly, making sure to wipe any excess away when done.

You might be fully convinced to go chemical free after using Bon Ami

Despite the lack of chemicals, Bon Ami will still clean most surfaces effectively thanks to the inclusion of feldspar, an ingredient that will give your kitchen counters and cookware a sparkly shine without the potential for scratches. As Bon Ami has no artificial fragrance, it's also a good option if you are sensitive to smell or suffer from asthma. As for areas in your kitchen you shouldn't use Bon Ami on, avoid using on glass or at least test patch on a small area first before going in.

While it is gentle, Bon Ami is still a cleaning product with abrasive agents in that you wouldn't want to risk damaging your objects or windows with. Also, some glass items contain plastics, which are easier to scratch. Overall, this cleaning product is top of the class for affordability, breathability, and also has a rating of A from the EWG in most health and environment categories. The 65% sustainable packing doesn't hurt either, allowing you to do your bit for the planet.