Use One Kitchen Staple To Keep Bugs Out Of Your Lawn Mower Engine This Winter

During the winter, bugs seek shelter inside garages and sheds to escape the harsh weather conditions and find a warm environment. As temperatures drop, insects enter a state of hibernation or become less active, making it difficult for them to survive outdoors. Garages and sheds provide a suitable refuge as they offer insulation, protection from wind and rain, and a somewhat stable temperature. Additionally, these structures often contain sources of food and water, further attracting bugs. The relative warmth and availability of resources make garages and sheds attractive to bugs during the winter months. Unfortunately, this renders your tools, equipment, and appliances stored there susceptible to infestation. One way you can keep insects out of your important appliances, like a lawn mower, is to utilize aluminum foil.


Aluminum foil is a great tool that you can use to protect vulnerable appliances from unwanted bug infestations in your garage or shed. It's important to keep insects out of these appliances because they can cause damage to the machine and clog the engine. Insects may build nests, lay eggs, or leave behind debris, which can lead to mechanical issues and reduce the efficiency of the engine. HGTV recommends winterizing lawn mowers annually to preserve the proper functioning and longevity of the mower, which will help avoid costly repairs. According to Lowe's, a new engine can cost anywhere between $199 and $1,408, so it's much cheaper to buy a roll of aluminum foil for a few dollars to avoid this outcome.


How to protect your lawn mower

Before applying aluminum foil to your lawn mower to protect it from bugs during the winter months, it's important to clean the lawn mower thoroughly. Remove any grass clippings, dirt, or debris that may be present on the machine. This will ensure that the foil adheres properly and provides effective protection. Identify the areas of the lawn mower that are most susceptible to bug infestations, such as the engine, air filter, and exhaust. Cut pieces of aluminum foil that are large enough to cover these areas completely. Then wrap the foil tightly around the components, ensuring there are no gaps or openings where bugs can enter.


Use tape or clips to secure the aluminum foil in place to prevent it from loosening or being blown away by wind. Make sure that the foil is tightly sealed around the vulnerable areas to provide maximum protection. Inspect the lawn mower carefully to ensure that there are no openings or gaps where bugs can enter. Pay attention to areas such as the fuel cap, spark plug, and any other access points. If you find any openings, cover them with additional layers of aluminum foil to seal them off completely.

Once the aluminum foil is in place, store the lawn mower in a dry and secure location, such as a garage or shed, to further protect it from environmental factors. Avoid leaving the lawn mower outside where it is exposed, as this can compromise the effectiveness of the foil.


Why aluminum foil works so well

Aluminum foil works effectively to protect a lawn mower from bug infestations during cooler months for several reasons. First, aluminum foil acts as a physical barrier, preventing bugs from accessing vulnerable areas of the lawn mower such as the engine, air filter, and exhaust. The foil is tightly wrapped around these components, leaving no gaps or openings for bugs to enter. Additionally, aluminum foil is a durable material that can withstand outdoor conditions, ensuring long-lasting protection for the lawn mower.


While aluminum foil is an effective solution, using plastic wrap can also produce a similar effect. Plastic wrap can create a barrier similar to aluminum foil, preventing bugs from accessing vulnerable areas of the lawn mower. However, it is important to ensure that the plastic wrap is tightly sealed and securely fastened to provide maximum protection. Additionally, plastic wrap may not be as durable as aluminum foil and may need to be replaced more frequently as it can easily tear when it comes in contact with sharp or abrasive materials.

Finally, choosing a durable brand of aluminum foil is important when protecting appliances from bug infestations because it ensures that the foil will withstand outdoor conditions and provide long-lasting protection. A durable foil will be less likely to tear or become damaged, maintaining its effectiveness in keeping bugs out. Consider brands that offer a "heavy duty" foil like Reynolds Wrap.


