What Your Neighbor's Red Front Door May Actually Mean

If you have ever noticed a front door in your neighborhood painted a particular color, such as red, and wondered what the color means, wonder no longer. A front door painted red can signify several things, including a historic meaning dating all the way back to the time of the Underground Railroad, as well as an indicator of the type of person you are. A red front door has significance everywhere from Ireland to China, culminating in a long and varied history of the color, and what it symbolizes today.

Red is most often linked with emotions such as love and passion. Additionally, its fiery look can be used to signal danger or a reason to be alert, but it can also bring a sense of excitement and infuse a home with energy from the get-go. Overall, red is a bold and assertive color that draws the eye wherever it is used. Nevertheless, when used specifically for a door, this color brings on several meanings. If you're planning to paint your front door red, this is what you could be expressing. 

Red can bring good energy into your home

The idea of a red front door having meaning dates all the way back to biblical times, when the color was thought to give protection against the Angel of Death. A passage in the Bible tells the story of how the Lord commanded his people to sacrifice a goat and lamb and smear its blood on their door. If the people did so, the Lord stated that he would stop the Angel of Death from entering their home. These days, some religious buildings also have a red front door to remind people of the sacrifice Jesus made when he died.

In addition to this piece of history, red front doors represent wealth and good luck in feng shui. The door is considered to be the mouth of the home. Because of what red symbolizes, painting your door this color will bring plenty of positive energy your way. Speaking to Apartment Therapy, real estate salesperson Nikki Sun, who was born and raised in China, shared, "In the Chinese culture, red is the color that will fight evil away. It brings luck and health." Plus, as mentioned, red conjures up feelings of fire and passion, which could mean you are inviting these emotions into your home (in a positive way). 

A red front door has a historic meaning

One of the most significant meanings of a red front door is its association with American history. For those seeking shelter on their travels, a building with a red front door was thought to reassure travelers that they could stay there. Moreover, for those brave enough to travel the Underground Railroad and escape slavery, a door painted red indicated a safe place they could stop and rest along the way. As explained by realtor Christopher Arienti, "Historically, in America, a red door was a sign that a home was a safe place for travelers to stop and rest their horses (via Apartment Therapy)." He continued, "Often people would paint their doors red to signify that they were neighborly. To this day, it's a sign of inclusion and signifies that you want to be a part of the community." 

Color expert Linda Lauren also shared with Apartment Therapy that, for some, red can mean protection, due to its welcoming vibe. Finally, red has various meanings across the world: In Ireland, it's thought to ward off evil spirits, and in Scotland it can mean someone is "out of the red," aka they have paid off their mortgage (though this isn't particularly common anymore). Does the color red make for your perfect front door?