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Make Your Windows Sparkle With This Amazing DIY Black Tea Cleaner

Dealing with dirty windows is a routine annoyance that plagues homeowners and apartment dwellers alike. It seems that just days after cleaning them they're able to attract every speck of dust and pollen like magnets, resulting in a never-ending battle against the grime. Clambering up ladders, reaching those impossible corners, and trying not to leave streaks everywhere can be a real workout. It's one of those household chores that nobody really looks forward to. Nevertheless, it's a task that must be done. 

While you're likely familiar with the chore of cleaning your windows, there's a simple hack to help with the process that you probably didn't know. You can make a DIY black tea cleaner at home that will help your windows sparkle — at least until the next set of fingerprints magically reappear.

Sure, is it easier to pick up a bottle of Windex or Method to clean your streaky windows? Possibly. Traditional cleaners, though, are full of chemicals that aren't great to inhale such as ammonia. As the New York State Department of Health claims, "Exposure to high concentrations of ammonia in air causes immediate burning of the nose, throat and respiratory tract." So to avoid chemical cleaners, you might choose an all-natural one like Method. But this option is much more expensive than using black tea, as a bottle of Method costs about $13, while a box of black tea is a fraction of the cost. 

So if you're looking to change up your cleaning routine, you might consider an eco-friendly route by choosing to make your own cleaning material using black tea.

How to make and use your DIY black tea cleaner

If you've chosen to ditch your traditional chemical cleaners in favor of a DIY black tea cleaner, you're going to love how easy it is to make at home. To make your DIY black tea cleaner, start by boiling water and steeping several black tea bags in hot water for between 10 and 15 minutes. The number of tea bags depends on the quantity of the cleaner needed. Once the tea has cooled to room temperature, remove the tea bags, squeezing them to extract any remaining liquid, and transfer the concentrated black tea solution into a spray bottle.

To use your DIY black tea cleaner, first, ensure the windows are free from loose dirt and debris by dusting or wiping them down. Then, generously spray the black tea solution onto the window surface. Using a lint-free cloth or a squeegee, wipe or squeegee the solution from the top of the window to the bottom, ensuring even coverage. Continue wiping until the entire window is clean. Finally, use a dry, clean cloth to buff the window surface to a streak-free shine. This DIY black tea cleaner not only effectively removes dirt but also leaves windows looking clear and spotless, providing a cost-effective and environmentally friendly alternative to commercial window cleaners. While you're at it, you can also use it to safely clean your hardwood floors, too.

Why it works

A do-it-yourself black tea cleaner is surprisingly effective at leaving windows streak-free due to the unique properties of black tea. The key components in black tea that make it an excellent cleaning agent are its tannins and polyphenols. Tannins, which are natural compounds found in tea leaves, possess astringent properties that help break down and dissolve grime, dirt, and residues on surfaces. Polyphenols, known for their antioxidant and antibacterial properties, contribute to the cleaning process by inhibiting the growth of bacteria and fungi on the windows.

Unlike traditional chemical cleaners like Windex, a DIY black tea cleaner offers a natural and eco-friendly alternative. The absence of harsh chemicals reduces the risk of exposure to harmful substances for both individuals and the environment. Chemical cleaners often have highly abrasive chemicals that can cause irritation to the skin or eyes. Black tea, on the other hand, is completely non-toxic as it's intended for consumption. Its ability to clean is just another bonus. Additionally, black tea's mild acidity makes it safe for various surfaces without causing damage or discoloration. The tannins in black tea provide an effective way to cut through grease and stubborn stains, making it an ideal solution for achieving streak-free windows.

Finally, this eco-friendly alternative reduces the ecological impact associated with chemical production, minimizes water contamination, and promotes a greener, more sustainable approach to household cleaning. Choosing black tea aligns with a growing commitment to environmental consciousness, providing an effective yet environmentally friendly means to achieve streak-free windows.